Sunday, June 25, 2017


Reflections4Life June 25, 2017
“Consider yourself fortunate if God All-Powerful chooses to correct you. He may cause injury and pain, but he will bandage and heal your cuts and bruises. God will protect you from harm; no matter how often trouble may strike.” Job 5:17-19
Scripture Contemplation: Job 5; Isaiah 3; Luke 12…

There are days that I forget how fortunate I am to have the Lord on my side. I forget because I sometimes take my eyes off God and forget His promises and His word because I have allowed the circumstances and situations to overwhelm me. Instead of stopping, praying, and meditating on the Word of God, I meditate on all that is wrong; forgetting how fortunate I am that I serve a God that has already worked all things out for me.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Do yourself a great favor his week—humble yourself before the Creator and seek His face as never before. Let Him pour into you and you release all the things you have been holding in. It’s confession time and time to be made whole.
How fortunate are we to serve a God that loves us unconditionally? How awesome is it to know that we have a Father that does not judge a tenth as much as others and we judge us? Though you may be going through some very difficult times and facing things you may have never faced before; know that you are not alone. No matter what it looks or feels like, God is with you in the midst of it all. Because He is, we are fortunate. Fortunate that we have a Creator that knows everything about us; what we need; how much we can take; and when we are ready to receive what He has to say and give to us—His children—though we may be ornery, sinful, prideful, and rejecting Him and His ways.
Throughout my life’s journey, I have come to learn of the love, care, and concern that our Father hoards in his heart towards us. There were so many times that I have judged myself so harshly that I missed the blessing of God right in front of me. I was taught religion and that God was a vengeful and jealous God. Yes, that He loved us and sent His only begotten Son. However, I was not taught in the beginning about the depths of who God is. How huge His heart and love is concerning all of His creation.
None of this was taught but learned through a personal experience with God. It amazes me every day just how deep and wide the love of God truly is, and just how fortunate I truly am that He chose me. That, He holds me close to His heart and communicates with me one on one. Hat, He understands me and loves not in spite but because of. Because He is God. He is my Creator. My Friend. My Savior. My Redeemer. My King. My Everything.
Beloved, when you have an encounter with the true and living God, you will know. It is something that cannot be taught, bought, or experienced through another person’s story. It is through a first-hand account experience you will never forget. Your life changes forever. Even if you walk away and reject Him, you still will never be the same after a personal encounter with your Creator. It is like receiving a kiss on the lips from Heaven. Your heart is touched in a way that no words could accurately express. An encounter with the true and living God leaves you breathless, excited, hungry, and thirsty for more; for more of Him; more of His presence and more of His love. Then and only then will you know how blessed and fortunate you truly are.
I am so grateful today! My heart is bursting with so much love and gratitude for our Creator. If you have fellowshipped with me for a while now, then you know part of my story, my testimony. Oh! Beloveds, there is so much more to the story behind the glory of God in my life. So much more to the testimonies. As time goes forward, I look forward to the Lord releasing me to share it all. I will share this: I was saved at seven years old. I understood with all of my heart and soul that God was real. I had an encounter with God at the age of three. I was already His. My heart already believed and received Him. My young life was filled with just as much pain and sorrow as it was a joy. It was because of my relationship with God; His covering, that I made it through my younger years without going down a dark path that so many other young women have gone after experiencing all that I have. His loved saved. I am indeed fortunate. Fortunate that I had an encounter at such a young life. It saved my life, spiritually and physically, and most definitely mentally. God is more than good, He is great!
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. We are indeed fortunate to have a Father that loves us so much that He reaches and knocks at the doors of our heart; inviting us and giving us the freedom to accept or reject His offer. He stands with open arms, ready to receive us. How fortunate we are to have a Creator who will move heaven and earth just to get to us, wherever we are. We are never far from His reach or can escape His love. God is there; always. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
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