Sunday, August 10, 2014

"Our Refuge in the Storm"

Reflections4Life August 10th, 2014
“Our Refuge in the Storm”
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 NASB
Scripture Contemplation: Ezra 8; Psalm 5; Psalm 61; Isaiah 26; 2 Thessalonians 3; 1 Peter 1…
I cannot begin to thank God enough for His strength, love, and protection. While away this past week, I found myself in a very precarious situation—totally unexpected. Things could have went horribly wrong, but I trusted in my God. Especially when He was the One who opened this particular door for me to go through.
Both a figurative and literal storm took place, and I was caught in the eye of both. Yet, I did not fear, knowing in my heart and soul that I had a refuge in the storm…Jesus. I called upon the Lord and He not only heard me, He answered and sheltered me. And here I am; another beautiful Sunday, sharing Reflections, because I trusted my Refuge in the storm; which is what God desires of you to do, also.
I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Take refuge in the arms of God while going through the storms. Many storms will come in your lifetime. And God will keep you through each and every one when you trust Him, and allow Him to be your refuge.
Refuge: shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm. 2. A place of shelter, protection, or safety. 3. Anything to which one has recourse for.
There are a host of things we will have to face in our lifetime. Situations that will have us seeking shelter and understanding. This is a part of life’s journey and the world that we live in. Storms and situations will come. Trials and troubles will happen. Yet, through it all, we have a permanent refuge in God.
The Heavenly Father desires to be our covering in the storm. He wants to be our shelter from all danger; our protection. Sheltering us under His arms. Giving us that peace of mind to walk through any and all situations that we may face in our lifetime. We just have to learn to trust Him to keep us safe; especially when so many others have failed to do so.
Psalm 121:7 “The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.”
Psalm 91:1 “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
It is very easy to lose sight of the promises of God, or fail to recall all the many times the Lord has delivered us from certain situations, when you are faced with a brand new storm. Yet, God remains true. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. God will never abandon us. He will never leave us to be consumed or destroyed by the storms. Though the storms may continue to rage, we can find safety in the midst of the storm, in the arms of God.
At one time, I believed that the “eye” of the storm was the worst possible place one could be when it came to storms. I shared once before that, the eye of the storm is actually the safest place to be. As it turns out, in the eye of the storm there is peace and stillness, while everything around it is raging. It is in the eye of the storm that one is safest. God is the eye of your storm. His refuge is the safest place to be. He is your safety, your assurance, your shelter, your covering.
God will never allow a storm to destroy you, when you yield to Him and trust Him to lead you. Yes. I understand completely how difficult it may feel to trust God when everything seems to be going the opposite of what you expected. I know about the uncertainty and the fear that can grip you. I identify with the struggle to let go completely, when you can barely look pass what is right in front of you. But that’s what faith is: trusting in something that your eyes cannot physically see.
No matter what it is you are facing today; no matter what it appears to be, or how devastating a storm you are in; know in your heart, and believe that God is your best refuge in the storm. He desires to be your protector, your shelter, your deliverer. He will not allow the storms of this life to destroy you. He may not stop certain storms, because there is something to be gained and learned from each one—but He will be with you through every last one, protecting you and providing for you through it all.
I thank God for the wisdom I gained this past week—for the lessons learned. As I stood there, drenched from the downpour, and my heart navigating the inner storm; I learned just how strong my personal resolve is. The enemy couldn’t win. Not when God had already declared me victorious. I anchored myself to the Father—finding my place in the eye of the storm.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity will have permanent rest in your lives. Though the storms of life can seem to rage out of control, we have a place of refuge in the Lord. He is our Anchor, who we can remain tethered to. With the certainty we will have weathered the storm, gaining a heart of strength and wisdom as never before. You are blessed. Now go…and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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