Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reflections4Life: "Walking Away"

Reflections4Life July 27th, 2014
Walking Away”
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us...” Hebrews 12:1 NASB
Scripture Contemplation:Genesis 15;31; Proverbs 3; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Hebrews 2;12...
How many times have you promised that the next time would be different? Or, how many times have you told yourself that, if you had to, you would just walk away. That, you would have no problems letting go and doing what needs to be done. Sometimes it is far easier said than done. Yet, if we place our confidence in God and yield to Holy Spirit, though it may be hard, we will be able to do what is necessary to walk in the path that God has ordained.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and enlightenment for your heart, mind, and soul. May you yield completely to Holy Spirit as He continues to guide you on the path of righteousness, leading you to your expected blessings. Walking away may not be easy, but it may be the difference between living and dying.
Beloveds, allow me to take a moment and thank you today for your continued support and fellowship. Today, I celebrate seven years of writing Reflections. It has been a joy to minister and share and teach; to encourage and be the vessel that God chooses to use. It has blessed my soul and enriched my life to have met so many loving people over the years. To, have connected with phenomenal and beautiful souls that have inspired me, encouraged me, and who pray for me. You have become my family. I don't know how long this particular assignment will last. But I do know that I will continue to write and encourage for as long as God leads.
Each Sunday I ask God what He desires for me to share. For the past seven years, 364 Sundays (to be exact) God has given me a word to share; fresh Manna from Heaven. Many, if not most, have been from my own personal experiences and walk with God. But most certainly, all have come from the inspiration of God. I don't know where we are heading, Beloveds. I don't exactly know how far the road will go with Reflections. But I do know: wherever the road goes, I will follow as long as God is leading. And I hope that you will continue to join me on this journey, as we grow and receive from the Lord. I pray God's continued blessings in your life. And that you will see the desires of your heart come to pass! I love you!
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away. Whether it's from a relationship, a job, a habit, or a thing....walking away isn't easy but necessary; especially when God is telling you to walk away. There are times when we may find ourselves in a situation that is so toxic that, if we don't walk away, we may be destroyed. Though it may not be easy, it would be much harder to stay as your soul and spirit slowly die and there is no longer a you; just a shell of who you once were.
Why do we stick with things that are not good for us? Why do we continue to try and change a situation by doing what we did before, knowing it did not work? What's the saying—insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? Yes. Not going to happen. In order for change to happen, we have to be obedient and do something different. Sometimes doing that which is most difficult.
It doesn't matter if the thing God desires us to walk away from is a relationship, a job, or a situation or place; obedience to God will not only stave you from sacrificing the blessings that God has waiting for you. It will stave you from heartache, pain, and even death. Walking away can very well save your life.
Many are in toxic relationships that the Father has told them to walk away from. Even family and friends have told them to walk away. And yet, they stay. Some stay until there is no more life in them; every hope, dream, aspiration...gone! They are no longer living, just existing. Why? Why would anyone stay in such toxicity? Perhaps because they have been systematically stripped of who they are, until they believe the lies of the enemy instead the truth of what God says.
It is very hard to believe the truth when you have been conditioned so long to believe a lie. Yet, with God, all things are possible. And when there is a sliver of hope, and people praying, there remains a chance for that person to still walk away and get the help they need before it's too late. Never give up on someone who may be in a toxic relationship. Though they may be operating out of fear; be there and make certain they know you will not abandon them.
Perhaps you are holding onto a job that God has told you to walk away from. Rest assure, if God is telling you to walk away, it is because He has something far greater for you. Many times we get comfortable in our lives, and become complacent. But what if your job no longer existed? What if the company shuts its doors? What would you do? You placed your security and trust in what you thought was stable, instead of placing your trust in God.
God does not tell us to give up something without having something far greater in store. So many of us miss out because we do not trust God completely. We haven't totally yielded to the Father and trust Him to lead us to where we need to be. When we truly let go and trust Him, that's when we will understand just how deep God's love flows for us.
Yes. Walking away is not the easiest thing to do. But it is necessary. It is vitally important to know when it is time to let go and walk away. We run the risk of forfeiting the security and the promises of God by hanging on long after God has said to let go.
Trust God to lead you; to catch you when you fall; to help pick you up; to guide you and lead you to a place He's ordained just for you. Walk away. The first steps are always hardest. However, think on what lies ahead—the promises and peace of God. With every step forward, you are that much closer to His promises.
I decree that the spirit of peace and prosperity has found permanent rest in your life. Whatever it is that God is telling you to walk away it. Walk away and trust God to lead you to the place in which He has already prepared for you. Trust Him. Do not hold onto something or someone because of fear or obligation. You will only come to regret and despise it or them. Release yourself, and walk away with the confidence that God has you covered. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!

©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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