Reflections4Life April 6th, 2014
“All That You Have”
“Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark 10:21
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 4; 15; Psalm 63; Proverbs 21; Matthew 4; Luke 9; Luke 18...
As it stands right now; this very moment, this very day—would you give up all that you have to follow Christ? Some of us are prepared to argue that we are following Christ. That, we have willingly given our all to the Lord. To this, I would say: Perhaps.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration to your heart, mind, and soul. May the love of God fill you, reaching every part of your heart and soul; especially those areas that you have tucked away that no man knows of, but the Father knows all about.
In the world that we live in, it is quite easy to get wrapped up in things. It is quite simple to be distracted by the blessings and find ourselves spending less time with the Father. It is also quite possible to be overwhelmed by life's events and the very act of day to day living and neglect our relationship with the Father.
Many of us have forgotten that if it had not been for the Lord, we would not have a life to be distracted by. Had not the Father saved us when He did; we may very well be absent from this earth.
I always wondered how, as believers, we can witness to unbelievers and not fully grasp ourselves the omnipotent love of the Father? How could we say to another that our God saves and heals, and delivers if we ourselves do not fully believe or have walked in that love and deliverance? How can we say that we would do all that God asks of us, but are not willing to let go of what we have accumulated to receive what God has ordained?
There are many things, not just physical things, that we have yet to let go of. There are things that are stagnating our growth in the Lord, and watering down our witness of His goodness and love. In order to receive all that God has ordained for our lives, we must be willing to let go of everything. We must have that heart that is willing to walk away and trust God completely. To trust Him where you cannot trace Him.
In the eighteenth chapter of Luke, verses 18-30, Jesus is asked a question by a young, rich official. The young man wants to know what he can do to have eternal life. Jesus replies by telling him that he knows what the words say about the commandments. The young man states that he has followed it from his youth. Jesus then tells him that there is only one thing for him left to do: sell all that he had and follow him.
The young man was crestfallen. He was very rich and would not give up all that he had to follow Christ. He was not willing to let go of what he had in his hands for what he could not see with Jesus.
Jesus goes on to explain that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Many of us have misinterpreted this saying. Myself included. Jesus wasn't speaking of a natural needle. He was referring to this gate in Jerusalem called “The Eye of The Needle”.
There was a large gate in which merchants would pass through with their wares. Instead of opening the large gate, if the merchant was traveling with a small shipment, they would open the smaller gate (the eye of the needle) to let the laden down camel walk through.
The disciples stated then who has a chance at all? To which Jesus replied, no one. Not of themselves. Only through God do you have a chance if you trust God to do it. The disciples thought about it, and all that they had given up to follow Him, Peter said that they gave up everything. Jesus agreed and said that all that they'd given up wouldn't be lost and that it would be multiplied unto them because they trusted God.
The willingness to give up all that you have for God is based upon how much you trust God. If you trust God at all to do just what He said. Yet, for many of us, we are having a hard time believing in what the Father has spoken to hearts many of times. Our trust is lacking, our faith is wavering, and we are bewildered with doubt.
How can we trust God? How can we give everything to God and believe in all that He has spoken to us? Relationship. It is through an intimate relationship that we gain trust with the Father. How can you trust someone you do not know or understand? Yet for many of us, we do it each and every day without thought. We trust the drivers who take us from point a to b. We trust our employers to pay us for our work. We trust people we hardly know to teach our children for at least eight hours a day. We trust the bank where we deposit our money. We trust doctors to diagnose us correctly. We trust family, who share the same blood, to be family. But we cannot trust God who created us and gave His only Son to die on a Cross for us. Hmm.
It is only through an intimate relationship with God that we can learn to trust without seeing. To walk by faith and not by sight. To come to know and understand the heart of God. To gain unflappable trust in God to pour out our heart, soul, and darkest secrets. To give all that you have and know that God will never betray you, but give you all that He has so that your walk and your life might shine bright and be the best, and draw others unto Him.
What are you holding onto? What have you been unwilling to let go of and place at the altar, leaving it at the throne for God's concern? No material thing, no person, not anything, can give you the fulfillment of life that the Father can. God is able. He is able to take all of you; your uncertainties, your doubts, your hurts, your disappointments, your failures, and give you all that you need, if you'd trust Him to do it. Because the evidence is quite clear: we cannot do it on our own.
There is no place too dark or too deep that God cannot reach you. There is nothing too scary or too bleak that God cannot see you. There is nothing that you have or could ever attain, that God cannot out do. He loves us just that much. Now all you have to do is exercise a bit of trust and walk in faith, that God will do just what He has promised concerning you.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has found permanent rest in your life. It is not easy to let go of things; especially when we have become dependent upon them, and have come to trust them (it) more than God. Release all that you have unto God. Give Him your all, and watch what God will do for you in return. You've trust others and they've let you down. Now it's time to trust God, who has never failed. No. Not once. You are Blessed. Now go...and Be a Blessing!
©2014. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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