September 1st, 2013
of Love”
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of
angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging
cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1
Scripture Contemplation: Luke 6; Romans 5; 1
Corinthians 13; Jude...
What keeps you going? What inspires you each and
everyday to keep moving forward; even when things are difficult? Why
do you do the things you do and say things you say? What is your
purpose for doing the things you do?
I have learned that unless what I am doing is coming
from a place of love, or for love, it holds no value or substance.
And soon, I find myself tiring and wanting to move on. I have also
found myself complaining about a situation or task, if in my heart
the motive has not come from a place of love. What I've come to
understand, is that love must be the foundation for all that I do.
Every task, whether big or small, must be a labor of love.
I declare and decree that this week's Reflections
will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your
heart, mind, and soul. Walk in the goodness and love of Christ. Let
love guide you, teach you, and comfort you. Let your every motive be
birthed from love.
This walk, this Christian walk must be a labor of love.
That is the only way to walk this walk of salvation—in love. Any
other way, and we are just a walking bag of bones, making loud noise
and fruitless efforts that make no difference in the lives of those
we come in contact with.
There are many reasons that we can come up with to
excuse ourselves from acting from a place of love. Trust me; I know.
For example: People are hard to love. These people are hateful. Why should I show love when they have disrespected me, talked about me, rejected me, hated me? They are unlovable. They will never believe. They call themselves Christians (uh-huh!) They aren't acting like believers. They don't treat me well. The hate God. What difference would it make; they're never going to change? They don't love me.
Here's what I know for certain, beloved: It is not about
them or their actions. It is about you and your relationship with
God. The Father is calling us to walk and act in love; even when it
hurts to do so. And the best way I have learned to do this, is to do
it as though I am doing it unto God. We have to learn to love, and to
act from a place of love based upon our love for the Father. Act in
such a way that you know God would find it acceptable and pleasing to
Him; even if you are still rejected, despised, and talked about.
Hey—it happened to Jesus, and we are not exempt.
This walk we are in with Christ is about love. It was
always about love, and will always be about love. And if we cannot
understand that, and operate from a place of that godly love; then we
will view the tasks ahead of us more like a laborious chore. Much
like a young student views the loads of homework they get in school,
until they come to the realization that the homework they are given
is only to prepare them for what comes next in their young lives.
I sometimes wonder what if Christ had the attitude that
we sometimes have. How doomed we would be! It was a labor of love
that brought Jesus here. It was love that had Him give His life. It
was love that He went to the Cross. It was love that He bore those
stripes upon His body. It was love that He withstood the rejection.
It was love that He poured out everything He had to ensure we had a
place in the Kingdom.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life.
It was a definite labor of love for Jesus to leave His home in glory, to come to an earth that must have been a stench to His nostrils with its foul odor of sin assaulting His nostrils every time He took a breath in. But for the love; the love of the lost who despised and rejected Him, He came to be that final sacrifice that would seal our fate to His for all eternity, for everyone that would believe in Him and receive. That's love.
There are times in my life that I feel overwhelmed. I
feel as though I have nothing left to give, or the energy to push
forward. But then I think on Jesus. I think of all He has done for
me, and my love for Him pushes me forward. It corrects me when I get
out of line. It chastises me when my motives are wrong. It reminds me
of the Who and why I do what I do, and that it must come from that
place of His unfailing and unconditional love.
This walk that we are in is a labor of love. We will not
always feel like we can give our best. We will sometimes feel
unappreciated. We will sometimes experience rejection and hate.
However, it does not give us permission to act out of any other place
than that of love.
We can give. We can do. We spend. We can buy. We can act
like we care. We can have a form of godliness, and dress the part.
But unless we come from a place of love; unconditional, God love.
Then it is all in vain, and we really have done a disservice to those
we come in contact with.
Only the love of God can change lives. Only what we do
in love will last and make a difference. Even in our own personal
walk, and our lives. All that we do must come from a place of love.
If you do not love what you do, you will get tired eventually. If you
do not carry out your daily tasks in love; sooner or later you will
tire and become dissatisfied with your life.
Life, my beloveds, is a labor of love unto itself. If we
do not love our life, we will be constantly seeking, searching for
fulfillment in many places. When you learn to love the very life you
have, you will see the road before you shift, and doors open to you
that you never even knew existed. Give your best to where you are
right now. Live and love to its fullest. Give God praise for the
precious gift of breath. Walk in love, His love. And watch God move
on your behalf.
I decree that the spirit of peace and of prosperity has
found permanent rest in your lives: spiritually, physically,
emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially. Let the love of God
rule in your hearts. Walk in love. Let everything you do come from a
place of love. Let your life be a labor of love. You are Blessed. Now
go...and Be a Blessing!
©2013. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
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