Thursday, April 11, 2013

Something's On My Mind

There has been many things on my mind lately; things that I have been occupying much mental space and time.  Before I know it, the minutes and hours have passed, and I STILL have these things on my mind.

Have you ever been there? Where you lose track of time because of the things that are heavy on your mind? What do you do? How do you deal with those things? How do you address them, and move forward without losing hours of your time?

I know that when things like that enter my mind, I have to take a step back and really address what it is that is going on inside. I realize that something taking up that much time, is not solely in my mind, but has made it to the core of my heart.

Two nights ago, I was up working late; writing, editing, researching. And in the midst of my flow, my heart grew heavy and thoughts began swimming quickly through my mind, and I felt the ache in my heart flutter, as my mind thought on each and every black son.

Woosh! The thoughts came rushing in like a heavy wave; one right after the other. My mind could not stop from thinking on the state of our young black children; especially our sons. Everyday I am hearing a tragic story concerning one of our youths. Please don't get me wrong: I also hear and relish in the good that I hear also. However, my heartaches for those who have someway fallen through the cracks. Those young boys and men who didn't get their opportunity and was robbed. Those young black men that were lied to, and had their innocence stolen.

I am tired of seeing our children not make it to adulthood. I'm tired of the prisons filling with our best and brightest. Yet no one knows this, because so many were never given the opportunity to make another choice. They didn't know there was another choice.

Yes. This is on my mind, and what we should do. We cannot continue to abandon them, or act as if they do not exist. There has to be a change. A change in our behavior, in our actions, and our reactions. 

My Black Son, My Black Son

My Black son, My Black Son
Where are you going, what have you done
I see your face everywhere I go
I hear your cries and the pain you cannot let go

My Black Son, My Black Son
Where are you going, what has been done
Who lied to you, and led you astray
Who made you feel less than, when you are so much more than

My Black Son, My Black Son
Where are you going, what are you doing
Who placed death into your hands, who told you that's what makes a man
Who was it that rob you of your youth, and questioned your manhood

My Black Son, My Black Son
Where are you going, what is going to become
Your legacy, your mark upon this earth
You have power, God given power
Your past, your failures, your trials and tests
Do not determine your worth, but add to your growth and strength

My Black Son, My Black Son
Strong and Majestic, Called and Chosen
My Black Son, My Black King

Copyrighted ©2013 by Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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