Are you a fan of Jokes? In my family, April Fool's Day is a no-holds-bar day! No one is safe—not even Grandmas!
My Uncles were crazy jokers! They got my Grandmother each and every time. I remember this one time they got my Grandmother so good; that she whipped their behind, but good. (I guess the joke was on them, huh?)
My Grandmother always advised her children that sex was for marriage. That, engaging in a sexual relationship is for mature folks. And, she definitely did not want no young girls coming to her house saying they were pregnant.
They (Uncles) came up with a crazy joke: tell my Grandmother that one of them got a girl pregnant. They were fifteen and seventeen at the time. Well, they proceeded to tell my grandmother this lie—she was none to thrilled. She screamed; she hollared; she tried to choke him. She asked him if he was crazy.
Not only did he say that the girl was pregnant; but that she had the baby already, and was downstairs waiting to come in, because her parents kicked her out. Now, I won't repeat what my Grandmother said—*$#**—and the like! My younger uncle went down stairs to get the girl.
My Grandmother tried to compose herself—afterall, this was her grandchild, right? The girl came in holding the "baby" in her arms, wrapped in a white receiving blanket. My grandmother asked her to come show her the baby. She asked what it was. The girl said it was a girl. My Grandmother said, let me see who she favors.
By this time, my Uncles were starting to lose it. They were trying to stifle their laughter. When the girl placed the "baby" in my Grandmother's arms, she stood back. My Grandmother lifted the blanket up, and said: "What the—"!
My Uncles and that girl started howling with laughter. One of my Uncles fell to the floor, holding his sides. My grandmother was cussing, and called them every name she could think of. Inside the blanket was a baby chimp!
I was just a little girl when this happened; but I knew it was funny! My grandmother chased my Uncles around the house with a belt. I laughed so hard, I nearly peed my pants!
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