Reflections4Life™ December 25, 2022
“Believe in Your Heart and Receive!”
“He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him.” John 1:7
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 137; Isaiah 7:14; 28:16; 43:10; Luke 2; John 1…
©Ruthe McDonald.
To you all, I extend my gratitude and wishes for a very blessed Christmas. May the celebration of Christ remain the reason for this season to you and yours. Never forget the promises of God, no matter how long the wait is. Believe in your heart and receive today, all that God has ordained and has promised you. His promises are manifesting. Have faith.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Never stop believing in your heart what God has placed there. God is faithful and just to do exactly what He said. Do not give up because the wait may seem long. Do not grow weary in your well-doing. Instead, encourage yourself and encourage others. Be diligent in your prayer life and open your mouth and worship the Lord. God cannot lie. Whatever He has decreed over your life will happen if you do not give up and walk away.
Beloveds, I believe in miracles and the power of prayer and faith. I believe that when we believe wholeheartedly, it creates an atmosphere conducive for miracles to take place, and for the supernatural to happen. There are still miracles. True miracles of God are taking place in many lives every day. However, they are not necessarily the great phenomenon that many people are looking for to blow their minds and convince them that God is God. No. These miracles are the kind of miracles that make a change in your heart, give you revelation, and open your eyes to whom God really is, and who you are to God. These miracles take place when we determine in our hearts to believe what Father God has spoken to our hearts—regardless of how long we have been waiting, and what has transpired around us. These are the miracles that God makes happen using other people in our lives. The ones that need no spotlight but happen quietly every day.
God is not a liar, and you can be assured that the enemy will try his very best to make you walk away from God, from His promises, hardening your hearts in the process.
The enemy is infiltrating dreams, messing with minds, wreaking havoc, and destroying lives. Yet the truth is; he is only able to do this because many leave doors open by entertaining and thinking about the lies of the enemy, instead of pulling down strongholds and denouncing the enemy and his lies and opening their mouths and literally saying what God says.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…
The only thing, Beloveds, that I believe can help combat the enemy, is when we totally believe in our hearts what God has spoken to us. How do we maintain our belief when so much has taken place? When every time we turn around it seems like something else is taking place. It is in our quiet times with the Father; our intimate times that we learn to stand and gain the strength to hold on. It is through the power of prayer and worship that we gain the strength to make it through all adversity and affliction. It is by connecting with Holy Spirit and letting Him do it for us. We are no match for Satan, but Holy Spirit got his number!
Our faith will always be tested. What we believe will continually be challenged because the enemy is always seeking ways to get at God. If he spies any weak, vulnerable, open spaces in our lives, he is coming full force to try to take us out. There is great news, however! The reason for this season is the reason we can declare ourselves victorious, walk in that victory, and win against the enemy and his tactics, because of Jesus Christ! God gave us a gift that continues to give and give and give every day of our lives. If we would believe, and continue to believe through the harsh and difficult times; through the times when He seems so far away; when it feels and looks so dark in our lives, we will make it through to the other side. If we believe, and stand by His word, we will receive all that God has spoken and promised to our hearts. We cannot stop believing. All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed!
The Shepherds believed! The wise men believed! The saints of old believed! Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Isaiah, Elijah—they all believed BEFORE the birth, before the time of grace. We HAVE Christ—fully manifested. Here with us! The promise is here; living and breathing in us! We have what they did not have: HOLY SPIRIT residing in us and the Blood of the Lamb covering us!
Beloveds, we win and can make it through if we determine in our hearts not to give up while praying. Open up your mouths and worship God through it all, and keep believing in your hearts what the Father has placed there. NO MATTER WHAT IT LOOKS OR FEELS LIKE! SPEAK. THE. WORD!!!
The enemy knows he has no power over a person that believes with their whole heart regardless of the circumstances. That is why he works so hard to manipulate and play mind games, chipping away at faith and belief, hoping to get us to shut our mouths and hardened our hearts against God. Because he knows, there is power in our communication with God. He knows that there is power released when we worship God through the storms. He knows that there is power in our prayers, especially when we pray in the name of Jesus.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let this season be the season and reason you begin to believe again. Stir up your faith. Open your mouth and pray! Bring forth praises, thanking God for already doing for you what you haven’t even asked for yet. For just being who He is: Our God! Our Savior and Deliverer! Let this be the season your heart is softened towards the Lord once again forevermore! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.