Reflections4Life™ May 29, 2022
Simply, this is where you'll find what's on my mind and in my heart. It is my point of view, of how it affects the lives of those I see and encounter. Prayerfully you'll find encouragment and inspiration. And the courage to tell me where you hurt.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
"Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives"
Sunday, May 15, 2022
"Get Back Up!"
Reflections4Life™ May 15, 2022
Sunday, May 08, 2022
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Sunday, May 01, 2022
"It's Not Always What It Looks Like!"
“It’s Not Always What it Looks Like!"
“But just as it is written, “Things that no eye has seen, or ear heard, or mind imagined, are the things God has prepared for those who love him.” God has revealed these to us by the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NET)
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 64; 1 Corinthians 2; Matthew 25; Daniel 2; 1 Corinthians 13; 14
I declare that this week’s Reflections4life will continue to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Seek God early every day, with a heart of expectancy for all He desires to pour into you. Allow God to lead in your life. The Lord wants to fill us with not only, what we need and have asked of Him but also things we have not even thought to ask.
There is so much more to life than we could ever comprehend when living it in Christ. There are many more colors than what is seen in a rainbow. Life is a kaleidoscope of events, circumstances, and situations, culminating in a life’s journey. The Father loves us without pause and desires our journeys to be filled with His love, healing, understanding, life-long lessons, reconciliation, redemption, and self-love. God desires for us to walk in abundant life lacking nothing but to be overflowing with His promises that we share with others. Prayerfully, those who receive will also believe in the love and power of God Almighty.
Each of our lives is different. We may share similarities and experiences; have been through the same kinds of trauma and heartaches. However, who we are as individuals, makes our experiences unique, and different from anyone else in this world. Yet, we can still empathize with one another. Showing sympathy for losses, hurts, and heartaches. As well as, understanding and kindness when the right words escape us, but we want to show our support and love. We can also show our happiness for their celebratory milestones and achievements.
We never really know what a person may be going through unless they share it with us. A person can walk around, interacting with a smile on their face, a lilt in their voice, and never reveal the agonizing pain they may currently be in. They may dress in fine clothing, look put together every time you see them, showing up at church, work, and family or friend functions, but we would never know they have lost their job, their home, and are fighting thoughts of suicide, depression, rejection; all while smiling in our face. They present a picture as though all is well. The truth is, it is God’s grace holding them together.
It is not always what it looks like. What we are seeing with our natural eyes does not always give us the whole picture and sometimes, not even half of the picture. This is the reason we need to nurture our relationship with God so that we gain knowledge of what is going on around us. God will give us understanding so we may make wise and correct decisions that are right for all involved. We must learn to look through our spiritual lens; through the eyes of God when interacting with one another. To, have our spiritual ears and eyes open, receiving our instructions from God and how to care, love, and hear one another.
Even when it comes to our personal lives and relationship with God. Many have been believing in the word and the promises of God. Circumstances and situations arise, and we are shaken. Oftentimes, we do not admit to the doubts and fears that arise after we have been waiting a while for the manifestations of God’s promises in our lives. There are times when the wait seems so long that we may feel God has forgotten about us or abandoned us and the promises we have been waiting on to manifest. However, that could not be further from the truth of what God has planned for our lives. Our story is just beginning.
Often, it is never what it looks like with God. What we are seeing in the natural is far from the gifts that lie ahead of us, waiting for us to claim them. Yet, have we to imagine the blessings for our lives. The magnitude of their greatness. We can believe when seeking God, having learned something magnificent about our Lord, there are yet mysteries that God desires to reveal. Too, those with a heart after His goodness and righteousness will see and understand this.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree, that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Take your time in the presence of God this week, listening to His voice and instructions. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you into all truths. Not everything is as it seems. Do not allow what appears to be to fool you. To fool you into giving up, or making decisions that God has not sanctioned. Trust God. Believe His word and promises, and He will soon reveal all that you need to know and understand, about others and yourself, in due season. Let God lead. You are Blessed. Now go...and be a Blessing!
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.