Reflections4Life™ January 30, 2022
"I Will Clean Up My Life"
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new." Psalm 51:10
Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2
Welcome to part five in our Declaration Series. Having a clean heart and mind is imperative to living the life that God ordained. Certainly, there is His permissive will. Yet we desire His perfect will for our lives. Living a clean life, with a clean heart and mind, allows us to hear God clearly and see the vision plainly. When we are polluted with the debris of life, it makes it difficult to receive what God has for us. Because, most often, an unclean life is accompanied by guilt and shame. God wants us free from all of that.
I decree that this week's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Spend time this week doing a self-inventory of your life. Ask yourself if things are holding you back, keeping you from moving forward in God. If there is, ask the Father to clean your heart and mind; to get rid of those things in your life that would hinder you from moving freely in His will for you. The Father has so much to give you and share with you. You do not want to miss this season.
I do not know about you, but I do not want to doubt God and His will for my life any longer. I recognize now, that when doubt is present in my life, it leads me to do things and to think a certain way that only hinders God from moving freely and the way He desires in my life. I have had enough of missing opportunities and the move of the Spirit because I allowed myself to get out of alignment with God and His path of righteousness. I want my faith to be so strong that there is no room for doubt to get in, let alone take a breath.
This can only happen if I daily clean my thoughts and watch what I allow to infiltrate my spirit. Also, what I allow to enter my eye-gate, ear-gate, mouth-gate, and thought-gate, just to name a few. Beloved, we are responsible for what we bring into our sphere of influence. Just as our parents had (or should have) protected us from things that were not beneficial to us as children, as well as, from any other dangers that would bring harm to us; we must protect our spirit. We must protect ourselves from getting polluted with the things of this world. Anything that would take our minds and hearts away from the heart and will of God, is pollution to our spirits.
Do you know why the Bible talks about pouring new wine into new wineskins instead of old wineskins? Because the old wineskins have been stretched and still carry remnants of the old wine. If you put new wine into the old wineskins, they would contaminate the new wine, and also, the old wineskin would burst.
If you truly desire what God has for you and do not miss out on anything ordained for your life, then you have to clean up your life so you can receive what God has for you. Cleaning up your life is a task of laying aside the old things; those things that have kept you separated from God. It consists of asking God to clean your heart and purify your mind. You do not want old things and stinking thinking contaminating what God has for you or blocking you from receiving all of it.
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