Reflections4Life™ December 25, 2022
Simply, this is where you'll find what's on my mind and in my heart. It is my point of view, of how it affects the lives of those I see and encounter. Prayerfully you'll find encouragment and inspiration. And the courage to tell me where you hurt.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
"Believe in Your Heart and Receive"
Sunday, December 18, 2022
"Give Me an Ear to Hear"
Reflections4Life™ December 18, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022
"Between Darkness and Light"
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, December 04, 2022
"The Lies We Tell Ourselves"
Reflections4Life™ December 4, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Reflections4Life™ November 27, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
"God Is Not Complicated"
Reflections4Life™ November 20, 2022
Sunday, November 13, 2022
"Sometimes It Doesn't Make Sense"
Reflections4Life™ November 13, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
"NOW...Do It Now!"
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Reflections4Life™ October 23, 2022
Beloved, God speaks loud and clear for those with hearts and ears to hear. Movement is happening in the body of Christ, a revival. God is telling His children, His followers, and believers, all that would listen and are open to His word, that the enemy has long been deactivated, and stripped of power. Far too many of us have been walking around with crushed hopes, dreams, and faith because we have fallen for the enemy's lie. It is time to stand in the authority of God and stop giving the enemy the power to use against us.
I decree this week's Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. Take time this week to get in the Father’s presence. Make quality time with the Father. He has things He desires to reveal to your heart and spirit. He wants to empower you and prepare you for what lies ahead. The only way to do this is if you have intimate time with the Lord every day. God is talking. It is time to listen.
We do not know what we do not know, but we can know everything we need to know if we take the time to sit at the Father’s feet and listen to what He is speaking to the church this season. There is a revival in the land that starts in the heart. It is in the hearts and minds of those who take time to meditate and set aside sacred time between themselves and God.
The sacred time between God and us is vital to our walk and what is happening on earth now. Too much is passing through our fingers. Too much harm is coming to us physically and spiritually because far too many have bought into the enemy's lies that we are powerless and hopeless and that God is not listening to us!
On the contrary, Beloved. We do have power and hope. God is indeed listening. He has been speaking loud and clear to those who have an ear to hear and consistently spends time with Him. It is not through the flesh or natural ears or intellect but through the spirit with an open mind that God is moving and revealing things. He does not always move as we think or believe He should, and His answers are not always what we expect or desire. Nonetheless, God is speaking. He is answering, reminding us today that the power the enemy had, has been deactivated, and we need to start walking in this truth and authority.
Satan has been running amuck in many lives. Causing disastrous things in relationships, marriages, families, friendships, homes, businesses, churches, etcetera. Wherever there has been a lack of understanding, insecurities, disagreements, fear, guilt, and shame—the enemy has used these emotions and thoughts as his power source to wreak havoc in our lives.
Our actions make this possible when we forget about the power and authority that God has already given to us. We have been fighting with our physical and natural senses without armor. The battle waged is a spiritual one—beginning in our minds. We are guilty of not pulling down strongholds while entertaining the enemy's thoughts. We have fed our subconscious minds his lies and suggestions, causing our fear. What we think about and believe (even if it is a lie) comes to pass, manifesting heartaches, miscommunications, and devastations in our lives. We risk what God desires to do in our lives when we fall for the lies and manipulations of the enemy. He has been cyphering our authority and power. We have been unproperly dressed in our armor each day.
There is no power as the power of God and to who He gives it. Positions and money mean nothing in the end without the favor and anointing of God, who holds the ultimate power, which He gives and takes away. There is no power like the power God blessed us with when He defeated death, hell, and the grave, destroying, finally, the power of the enemy, giving us the authority to check and destroy, cast out demons, and heal the sick.
Here is what I believe; many of us have stopped, and some never truly believed in the power of God or His word. We have not walked by faith. Instead have walked by our past (experiences) and what things feel or look like. We have not walked in the authority God gave us. As Eve in the Garden of Eden, we have entered into a conversation with the enemy, and he has convinced us of lies and half-truths, manipulating the word of God and those we love. When we should have been binding and denouncing the enemy and his tactics, we were listening, arguing, and fighting without our armor and entering battles God said were not ours but His.
Know this and believe in your hearts today, Beloveds; there is indeed revival in the land beginning in your heart and subconscious minds and what you believe. The power of the enemy is deactivated in your life. God gave you the keys and power to destroy the works of the enemy in your life and the lives of those you love. It is time to stand up, put on your armor, follow, and believe the word of God. Really, believe me. Because without belief, you only give the enemy the ammunition he needs to steal your power, destroy your life, and kill your dreams and visions,
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. God cannot lie. We have the power and authority to overturn and bind up the enemy, cast out demons, and heal the sick. Yet, our unbelief in the things and ways of God and belief in the enemy’s lies stop us. Walk and believe in the authority that God has given us. Saturate your mind with the word and promises of God. Resist the devil, denounce his whispers and lies, and plead the Blood of Jesus over your thoughts and minds. Do not fall for the smoke and mirrors or what appears to be. Instead, hold onto the word and promises of God even if you cannot see God moving. Know that God does not lie. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!