“From the Projects to the Vineyard”
“He had another dream and told this one also to his brothers: ‘I dreamed another dream—the sun and moon and eleven stars bowed down to me!’ When he told it to his father and brothers, his father reprimanded him: ‘What’s with all this dreaming? Am I and your mother and your brothers all supposed to bow down to you?’ Now his brothers were really jealous, but his father brooded over the whole business.” Genesis 37:9-11 (MSG)
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 37-50…
I have always enjoyed the lessons of Joseph from the Bible. It always encourages me and gives me understanding and reminders at different times in my life. Many have preached a sermon about Joseph’s life titling it, From the Pit to the Palace; encouraging many. Yet, what I want you to understand are the events that took place leading to the pit.
I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. It is my sincerest prayer that you will see and receive something new today that will encourage and inspire you. That today will be the beginning of you recognizing your purpose, and the purpose for all the pain that you may have endured and suffered.
Beloveds, God has a plan and purpose for everything that has occurred in your life. Every unexplainable thing. Every hurtful thing. Every heartbreaking thing. Every confusing thing. And indeed, every good thing.
Here’s what I learned so far in my journey: Sometimes people see the light in you before you have a chance to recognize it and own it. They will do everything they can to dim or destroy that light because of jealousy. What they fail to realize is, God will use them as an instrument to place you in the right position to manifest His blessings in your life, for your light to shine the brightest, and where you will have the most impact.
God has placed a light in each of us. His light. There are many that God has called to change the world. To touch lives in a positive way. To bring the love of God to people who have given up on humanity and believe there is no God. There are those who God has chosen to triumph over every adversity and become that man or woman He has ordained us to be before we were in our mother's womb.
There are some of us that do not see ourselves as God does. We do not recognize our gifts and talents. We do not see the light in us that causes some people to dislike us on site. To even hate us, and try maligning our character every opportunity they get. Listen; just as God has sent His angels to watch over us, and has sent those in our life to protect us; the enemy has sent his cohorts to trip us up, to destroy us, to rob us, and even try to kill us.
But God, Beloveds! God sees all and knows all. Even when we are not aware, God is moving on our behalf and we must hold onto Him and seek His face. Sometimes we do not see ourselves the way God does or even get why the enemy is so scared. However, God knows, and He will use the enemy to place you in the right positions for the greatest impact of your life will have for many others.
Understand this: Before you even get to the pit, God has already made a way of escape for you. Before you even head down a road that seems so far from your dreams, God has already worked it all out. Just when the enemy thought he had you and destroyed you, God was all along setting you up for the greatest victory in your life. God has already written and finished the book, and if you did not know already—you win!
God will take you from obscurity and ridicule to sitting before Kings and Queens and Presidents; in front of people that can aid you in doing what He has placed in you to do. He will raise you up—using your enemy and their jealousy—to position you in your place of greatness, power, and influence. Even when you do not see it, your adversity will become your teacher, your afflictions your greatest strength and character builder.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. You may not see it right now. It may not feel like anything good is happening in your life. I promise you—God has already moved on your behalf and is positioning you for every good and perfect gift He has ordained for your life and for the lives of those, He has assigned you to. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
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