Reflections4LifeTM March 28, 2021
“But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him.” John 6:64
Scripture Contemplation: Proverbs 6; Matthew 20; John 6; 1 Corinthians 11…
Wishing each and everyone who celebrates a Happy Palm Sunday. As I think back on my childhood, loving memories flood my mind filling me with a warmth that wraps itself around me like a cozy blanket. Enfolded in this embrace is every family tradition. Every lesson was taught to me by my mother, my Grams, and my Nana. I think of the church services, Sunday school, and the lessons we were taught about Jesus the Christ and His sacrifice for all mankind.
I pray today’s Reflections, brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. May you understand the multitude of love that our Heavenly Father has for you. Let your walls fall, and your guards down, allowing God that sacred place on the throne of your heart.
As a child, things seemed so simple. Conversations and Sunday sermons and Sunday school lessons now make sense to me. As I mature, I come to understand the meaning of Palm Sunday and Easter. It became much more than a time for families to gather and celebrate. For people to come to church after not coming for so long. Or, the delicious feast being prepared by my Grams and Nana, as all the grandchildren tried to eat their weight in candy from their Easter baskets. Lastly, the day had nothing to do with a bunny. But everything to do with love, betrayal, sacrifice, redemption, and reconciliation.
God indeed sent His Son for us. It was an act of love. Jesus, denying His deity to be born of a woman, so that we might have eternal life—made a decision based upon love, even though He'd have to face bitter betrayal from the ones he loved, healed, restored, and raised from the dead. For all His love and loyalty, Jesus was met with betrayal. A betrayal that needed to take place so that we might live eternally.
I always think about the thoughts that ran through Jesus's mind. How hurt was the heart of our Beloved? How many times do we—to this day—hurt His heart with the sting of betrayal? We betray Him every day. We doubt Him. We forget about Him and His praise. We stand in the way of His blessings. If that wasn't enough; we deny him. We act as though we are the only ones in pain. We act entitled when what we do is betray God. We reject Him; acting at times as though we don't know Him. And STILL, He loves us. Still, He knocks on the door of our hearts. Still, He pursues His lost lambs and sheep though He already has many found.
Betrayal. The word itself brings a sharp pain to the chest. To the heart. The sting of betrayal is biting. Often it leaves venom that spreads its poison through our heart and soul until we no longer trust anyone. We think it's trust, but betrayal's poison has seeped in so deep that we are left with lingering doubts and suspicions about every relationship forward. Wondering when; fearing when will be the next betrayal.
Hallelujah for the grace, mercy, and love of God. Because of Jesus, we can overcome the sting of betrayal. We can get past it and have trust and love for others. How? Because of how Jesus answered His betrayers. He loved them; even after suffering for them. Though they rejected Him, after all, He did for them. He understood the bigger picture.
We can rejoice! We have a bigger picture, Beloveds. Bigger than the betrayal we've endured and suffered. A picture worth more than the sting, and a picture so powerful, it will heal us from the poison of betrayal. We just have to be willing to let go and yield to God with everything we have. To once again, become vulnerable. Vulnerable unto God as He leads us to our promises, and heals our wounded souls.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not allow betrayal to rob you of a future; of the promises of the living God. Allow the Father to soothe and heal your wounds, as you first learn to trust God, and allow Him to love on you. Know this: God will never betray you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
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