Sunday, November 29, 2020

"Look Straight Ahead"

 Reflections4LifeTM November 29, 2020

“Look Straight Ahead”

“Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.” Proverbs 4:25

Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 121; Proverbs 4; John 21; Acts 2…

©Ruthe McDonald.

There are many of us who are spending too much time looking at the past, our mistakes, and our failures. Even in moving forward, we tend to get sidetracked by things around us, missing what is right before us.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Beloved, it is time to look straight ahead. Look in the direction that God has placed before us. Look at the ordained path that will lead to the manifestation of our blessings.
Of course, this path is not simple! But nothing worth having or accomplishing ever is. And you can be certain that the enemy of our souls is waiting alongside that path to try and trip us up. It is a guarantee that he will do all that he can to make us fall, give up, get distracted, and turn back. He can do none of these things successfully, however, if we are fellowshipping with the Father and following His instructions, looking straight ahead. And should we fall? Then we get up, repent, and keep moving forward.
We cannot possibly achieve our heart's desires if we are constantly looking backward; preoccupied with our past and any failures. We have to learn to forgive ourselves and learn and grow
from our experiences.
One of the hardest things to do at times is to keep looking straight ahead; especially with so many distractions. However, we must be like a horse with its bridle on. Its sole purpose is to keep the horse moving ahead by blocking its view of anything around it.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let the promises and word of God be your bridle. Spend quality time in the presence of God, as He directs your path. Keep looking straight ahead with confidence that God has already answered your prayers. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2020. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

"Give Thanks for The Life You Have"

 Reflections4LifeTM November 22, 2020

“Give Thanks for the Life You Have”
“In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Scripture Contemplation: 2 Samuel 22:50; 1 Chronicles 16; Psalm 7; Isaiah 12; Hebrews 13…

If you are able to read this; alive to hear it; in the midst of someone who can share it, then thank God you are alive. We have lost so many this year. Families are separated, people are lonely, and hearts are broken. Yet, here we are—alive and able to make a difference in someone else's life if we choose to, and if we choose to see our glass as half full, and blessed to alive with an opportunity to praise God for not only this new day but also His anointing and His gift of life.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Wishing everyone a joyful and splendid Thanksgiving week! May you be grateful for the gift that God has given you called life. Though things may not necessarily be the way you desired right now, spend time with the Father, allowing Him to show you how to proceed.
When was the last time you gave God praise just for being alive? The fact that He woke you up another day in the land of the living? Sure, there are some that wish not to wake up because of all that they are facing. There are those that believe that life would be better off without them. That their life is not worth much. What a lie from the enemy! Maybe you are one that takes for granted that you will have a tomorrow, or that your family and friends will, as well. We spend so much time complaining, being angry, and unforgiving, that we do not see the gift that God has granted us. Life is a precious gift. And tomorrow is not promised to anyone. And how we treat this gift today very well determines our tomorrow.

Some of us have been taking for granted the time that God has granted us—even in the face of this deadly virus—and filling it with feelings of self-loathing, bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness. All of which shortens our lives and takes away from the joy of living. It also blinds us to answers that God has for us.

God does not want us living with regrets. Regrets hinder us from achieving our goals and coming into the fullness of what God has ordained for us. There are so many things that we are facing in the world today. So much has occurred that has taken our focus and hindered us from seeing the blessings of God. Our minds are saddled with the things of the world and our hearts are burden with self-abasing thoughts, and grudges against those we say we love. In order to receive what God has said is rightfully ours: peace, joy, love, happiness, abundant living in Him—we have to be in a position to recognize when we are veering off the righteous path and sliding on the slippery slope that the enemy often pushes us toward.

We are living in such a time where the world is dictating gloom and doom every day while God is speaking of life and abundance. How can there be abundance when so much is going wrong? God says that the abundance is in Him. When we place our focus on, and our trust in the Creator, rather than the creation, we will begin to see through the eyes of God what way we should walk in. How do we do this? By spending time with the Father and allowing Him to transform our thinking and behavior.

We must begin to see ourselves as worthy of God's goodness and mercy. We may have failed a million times. We may have fallen numerous times. But God tells us to get back up. Nothing is over until God says it is over. God has given to all of us a measure of faith, and He expects us to use it.

Your self-worth is not incumbent upon you being a success in this world. Your self-worth is incumbent upon you being the kind of person that God has called you to be. It is not and should never be based upon material things. Material things are temporal. They pass away. But the things that should hold the most value, are those things that make up your character. Your self-worth should be based upon your character, your ability to love and receive love, your integrity, honesty, the kindness of your heart. Your ability to forgive others. Oftentimes, if you look at a person's family you will see what is a priority. I don't want to pass down just an inheritance to my children. I want to pass down a legacy. A legacy may not come with a bunch of dollar signs. But it can come with much love and integrity and the answers to how to gain wealth. Not just in finances, but wealth in every area of life.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Life is action, it is constantly moving from one place to another. One moment to the next. Only memories stay in the past. And if we allow them to, memories will bind us and lock us to a past of hurt, anger, and unforgiveness. Whereas God says that the past is behind us and He has freed us and has given us an abundant life to take hold of. But it is dependent upon us moving toward Him, His purpose, and His will for our lives and being thankful for the life that we have. Live life to the fullest. Treasure the gift that God has blessed you with. You are blessed. And Happy Thanksgiving! Now go…and be a blessing.

©2020. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

"Come Back Home"

 Reflections4LifeTM November 15, 2020

“Come Back Home”
“Then Jacob lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, Esau was coming, and four hundred men with him. So he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two maids.  3 But he himself passed on ahead of them and bowed down to the ground seven times until he came near to his brother.” Genesis 33:1, 3
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 32; 33; Mark 6; Luke 15; 2 Corinthians 5…

Why do we run away when we make mistakes? Why do we run and hide from the truth instead of facing it? Many have left the comfort and safety of home because of various reasons. Whatever the reason may be, it doesn't matter when God says to come back home. Come back home to the shelter and safety of His loving arms.
I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. There is no place safer than in the arms of God. Spend some intimate time with the Father this week. Allow Him access to your heart and soul; to bring healing and deliverance and peace of mind.
I was always intrigued by the story of Jacob and Esau. How Jacob deceived his father Isaac (with the help of his mother Rebecca) and used his brother’s weakness against him in order to steal Esau's birthright. I mean, really? How did you think that was going to turn out? Lying, deception, manipulation, stealing. Sounds no different than what is going on today.
Jacob ran from home. From his parents and family and hid from his brother. But as with all things in our lives, there will come a time when we must confront our past. We must confront our actions and the reasons we have done what we have done. There is truly no moving forward until we come to terms with our past. We will remain restless and fearful, such was the case with Jacob.
God had a plan for Jacob all along. Yet Jacob needed to confront his past. He needed to make amends; not only with Esau but also with himself. He was no longer that young man that tricked his father and stole from his brother. He was now a man with a family and position, yet still haunted by his past. God wanted Jacob free. Free to move forward. Free to become who He ordained him to be.
Perhaps we have done some things in our lives we are not proud of. We feel there is no coming back from the decisions that we have made. Yet, God stands with arms wide open telling us to run to Him and not from Him. Because in Him resides our healing, redemption, forgiveness, and deliverance.
I think about all the people who have left home. Not those who left to explore, or find their own paths. But those who left in anger; who ran away; were forced to go. It may feel as though they could never go home. Or possibly, there never was home at all. But with God, there is a place. A place that is home. A shelter from every storm. A place to regroup and become strong. It's in the shelter of His arms.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Come back home to the shelter of our Heavenly Father. Let Him love you. Protect you. Bring healing to your soul. With God, confront your past and allow Him to bring a resolution and healing. With God, there's no place like home in the shelter of His arms. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2020. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, November 07, 2020

"Are You All In?"

 Reflections4LifeTM November 8, 2020

“All In”
“But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 4; Deuteronomy 6; Zephaniah 3:14; Colossians 3:23…
Are you all in? Are you participating 100% in your life? In your walk with Christ? What about your relationships? Are you all in, or holding back a part of yourself in case you get hurt and things do not work out? Beloved, in anything that you do; especially if you want it to succeed, you must be all in.

I pray today’s Reflections brings comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. The heavenly Father has given us His all. He is all in. That was evident when He gave us Christ. Yield to God your all this week. Don’t hold back. Let Him have access to 100% of who you are.

Before moving on, let's address the elephant in the room for many of us: the election. It's over. Well, the election part. Whether the person you voted for won or loss, it is time to move forward together. You'll either be all in, part of the solution of rebuilding and repairing, or you will be the thorn in the side of many, causing unnecessary aggravation and continued hurt and the spreading of hate. If you truly love and trust the Lord the way you profess, then you will follow His lead and move forward and be all in when it comes to spreading kindness, love, grace, and mercy. Without any of those things residing in your heart—now—then it likely lends to the summation that you never had those particular characteristics to begin with. And you have only been serving God on the surface and not from the heart. It does not really matter, however, what others think or believe. This is between you and God. Yet, do know, that God knows, and is recording it all.

In moving right along. We have so many desires and wants. We want so much from life; from people, from God, but are not willing to risk putting everything on the line. Not willing to sacrifice all that we have in order to go after what we truly desire in our lives.

Whatever it is we desire to have in life, we must be willing to be all in; to risk everything (our heart) to see it come to pass. Whether it brings pain and discomfort with it. Everything we desire will not always come easy, and have nice, tidy, feels wrapped in a pretty bow for us to unwrap.

Some may disagree. That, you shouldn't have to risk anything; to sacrifice or give up anything to get what you want. And to them I would say: Then you have never truly experienced the reward of selflessness and sacrifice. You may have been the recipient of another person's willingness to be all in, but you yourself will never understand what occurs in the heart and soul of a person who is all in.

Yes. It is risky. But that is life. We take a chance every day we leave the comfort and safety of our homes. But we do it. We cannot split ourselves in half and only have part of us go out.

If we truly want the best in our relationships, our careers, in all that we do; then we must be willing to be all in. All of our heart, mind, and soul. Willing to lay everything on the line.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Give what you expect from others. Don’t be afraid to be all in. Otherwise, you are not just cheating others, but you are cheating yourself. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2020. Ruthe Mcdonald. All Rights Reserved.