Sunday, May 08, 2022

"The Beauty of My Heart"

 Reflections4Life May 08, 2022

“The Beauty of My Heart”
“Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God-you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.” Psalm 139:13-14 MSG
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 139; Proverbs 31; Ruth 1; Job 24; 1-12; Isaiah 49:15-18; John 19…
Happy Mother’s Day! 
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Honor those who gave you life and those who mothered you but may not have birthed you. Let them know each day how much you love them. Remember the lessons of those who have transitioned. For they are life and will guide you to the manifest blessings that God has ordained for your life.
No matter what kind of relationship you may have with your mother, honor her for the simple fact that you have a life. I understand that there are many who are estranged from their mothers. You have your reasons. Yet, even in that, God admonishes us to honor our parents. To honor our mothers for the simple fact that they gave us birth and that is the vessel that God chose to bring us into this world.
No mother is perfect. Some go far and above as mothers, sharing their love and concern with countless others who may not have had such a great relationship with their own or even know their mother. Then you have mothers who are at the other end of the spectrum. Such is life; it is good and bad in all things. Yet, I am convinced that for those who have found themselves in the latter experience, I believe that God has raised up women to come into their lives and mother those who need mothering. He has raised up a select group of women to carry out the love of God through mothering not only their children but other children and adults who need to know sincerely what a mother’s love is and what it feels like.
I take this opportunity to share with you about my mother. My heart. The beauty of my heart. I am because she was. She transitioned seven years ago, yet it feels like yesterday. I still hear her voice, feel her embrace, and at times smell her scent and feel her presence. She is never far from me. As close as we were before she transitioned, there was a time when we were not close at all. I gather many mothers and daughters go through this speed bump as daughters are growing up and thinking they know everything. Yet that was not the reason for our distance. 
My mother confided in me that she thought she had to be extra strict with me to ensure that I did not follow her example. She wanted me to do more than she did. To accomplish all of my dreams. To go to college and do the things that were in my heart. So, she became very strict and rigid in her discipline—in her fear—to keep me walking that “straight” line. The result, however, was that I did not want to be around my mother. I loved her but hated her behavior towards me, which only made us bump heads. There were things I wanted to share with her. Things I needed to share, that she should have known but was too fearful and angry at her to open up and develop a close relationship that we shared when I was a very little girl.
Fortunately, God stepped in, and when I graduated college, my mother and I became best friends. We were able to communicate as women who had grown and who had things in common that went beyond our love for God. The trials and tests we endured made us stronger, and that is why I can say, my mother will always be the beauty of my heart. She is that beauty that resides in my heart constantly. Through her, I learned how to be a mother, a friend, an aunt, and a humanitarian. I learned how to pray, how to intercede, and how to be that Proverbs 31 woman. I am blessed. Because even though she is now resting in the Lord, she has left me a treasure; an inheritance that makes my brothers and me wealthy beyond natural means. She left us with the truth of what it means to be a true child of God.
This is my Mom. She taught me just about everything I know about being a strong woman. About, coming back stronger after being down for so long. About overcoming obstacles and triumphantly destroying the plans of the enemy. She taught me about prayer and how to pray. She taught me how to forgive and to love unconditionally.
This is my Mama. My friend. My heart. My teacher. The woman who showed me that nothing is impossible for God. That you can indeed overcome when everyone else has counted you out. She taught me how to stand in my convictions and not back down. To hold onto what I believed and to go after God tenaciously, and that it is okay to remind God of His promises, and to definitely ask the question why. 
This is my Mother. Who loved me better than anyone, Who prayed for me when I couldn't pray for myself. Who listened to me and did not interrupt. Who knew what I was feeling just by the look on my face or the aurora of my spirit. I didn't have to say a word. She just knew. Who listened patiently and didn't ask a question; even though I called her at four in the morning but didn't speak until 4:25. She just listened, while I was silent or cried. Then afterward, she lifted me up in prayer, not commenting n anything I just shared. Because she understood, I just needed my mother's ear.
This is my Mommy. Who left this earth seven years ago. Leaving me to wonder what I was going to do without my partner in crime. Without my intercessor, my prayer warrior, my encourager, my teacher, my mother, my friend. What was I to do? It hurt so damn bad. And it still does.
This is my Teacher. Who taught me strength just by being who she was. Her life was a testament to her strength and irreproachable character. She was far from perfect, and she owned it. Never did she hide the truth about who she was and what she did, to the point it felt that I knew too much! But she was honest and wanted you to know, that whatever you faced, you could get through it also.
I hope there is someone in your life that you can always turn to and have a source of strength to glean from. I hope that you cherish every lesson, admonishment, and correction that they have to give. Because it is all a part of teaching you to stand and be strong; becoming the person God has already said you are.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Honor your mother whether or not she was good, bad, there, or not. She was the instrument that God used to get you here, on this earth, and receiving of all that He has for you. Do not let a day go past that you do not tell the ones you love that you love them. If you see someone who needs some mothering, then mother them. DNA has nothing on motherhood. It is about the heart and the power and beauty that reside within a woman’s heart and the power that lies in motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day! Rejoice in your assignment. It is a gift from God. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

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