Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Declaration Series: "I Will Clean Up My Life"

 Reflections4Life January 30, 2022

"I Will Clean Up My Life"

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; restore within me a sense of being brand new." Psalm 51:10

Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2

Welcome to part five in our Declaration Series. Having a clean heart and mind is imperative to living the life that God ordained. Certainly, there is His permissive will. Yet we desire His perfect will for our lives. Living a clean life, with a clean heart and mind, allows us to hear God clearly and see the vision plainly. When we are polluted with the debris of life, it makes it difficult to receive what God has for us. Because, most often, an unclean life is accompanied by guilt and shame. God wants us free from all of that.

I decree that this week's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Spend time this week doing a self-inventory of your life. Ask yourself if things are holding you back, keeping you from moving forward in God. If there is, ask the Father to clean your heart and mind; to get rid of those things in your life that would hinder you from moving freely in His will for you. The Father has so much to give you and share with you. You do not want to miss this season.

I do not know about you, but I do not want to doubt God and His will for my life any longer. I recognize now, that when doubt is present in my life, it leads me to do things and to think a certain way that only hinders God from moving freely and the way He desires in my life. I have had enough of missing opportunities and the move of the Spirit because I allowed myself to get out of alignment with God and His path of righteousness. I want my faith to be so strong that there is no room for doubt to get in, let alone take a breath.

This can only happen if I daily clean my thoughts and watch what I allow to infiltrate my spirit. Also, what I allow to enter my eye-gate, ear-gate, mouth-gate, and thought-gate, just to name a few. Beloved, we are responsible for what we bring into our sphere of influence. Just as our parents had (or should have) protected us from things that were not beneficial to us as children, as well as, from any other dangers that would bring harm to us; we must protect our spirit. We must protect ourselves from getting polluted with the things of this world. Anything that would take our minds and hearts away from the heart and will of God, is pollution to our spirits. 

Do you know why the Bible talks about pouring new wine into new wineskins instead of old wineskins? Because the old wineskins have been stretched and still carry remnants of the old wine. If you put new wine into the old wineskins, they would contaminate the new wine, and also, the old wineskin would burst.

If you truly desire what God has for you and do not miss out on anything ordained for your life, then you have to clean up your life so you can receive what God has for you. Cleaning up your life is a task of laying aside the old things; those things that have kept you separated from God. It consists of asking God to clean your heart and purify your mind. You do not want old things and stinking thinking contaminating what God has for you or blocking you from receiving all of it.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Clean up your life. Get rid of those things that hinder you from receiving all that God has for you. Invite God in to show you what needs to go and how to get rid of it. Though some things might prove difficult, allow God to be your strength. Confess, repent, and move forward in the Lord, receiving what He has ordained just for you! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Declaration Series: "I Will Return Quickly to the Lord"

 Reflections4Life January 23, 2022

"I Will Return Quickly to the Lord"

"We must search and and examine our hearts; we must return to the LORD." Lamentations 3:40

Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2

Welcome to the fourth week in our Declaration Series. We have declared to submit to the Lord, to listen to His instructions, and to store His instructions in our hearts. This week, we declare to return quickly to the Lord if and when we may find ourselves walking outside of His will. Beloveds, do not delay in quickly returning from God when you find yourself going down the wrong path and away from God's will for your life.

I decree that this week's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Examine and search your ways this week. Do a heart check and honestly ask yourself if you have been following the precepts of God, or have you deviated from His path and gone rogue? There are times when we think we are still on the righteous path, only to find out that we are far from God's path and have ventured on a path dictated by our flesh.

After much searching and examination, we often find that it is not the obvious things that have changed or led us astray from the paths and things of God. It is often the small things, subtle habits, and idiosyncrasies that have caused us to veer off the path of righteousness. Soon we find ourselves far from where God has called us to, often wondering how we got there.

In the Song of Solomon (2:14-16), it is the small foxes that spoil the vine.  A small unassuming animal that if ignored or often goes unnoticed, gets into the vines and spoils its crops or eats its fruits before anyone has a chance to harvest its best. It is often the small things that we do here and there that sabotage our righteous walk and relationship with God. The small things that we often ignore or say we will take care of later, knock us off the path of righteousness and living holy for God. These same habits that we will suddenly find a problem and interference with our walk, in God.

The Father has given us the charge to examine and search our hearts, our actions, our walk, in Him. To see if we truly are on the right path of His righteousness. Or if we have unknowingly taken a detour because of all those small choices we have made along the way. Oh! Trust that God has always sent His word, a reminder, His messengers to tug at our hearts. To engage us in conversation and get us back on track.

The longer we stay off the paths of righteousness, the harder it is for many to return to God. Many find themselves going further down the rabbit hole, away from God and His ways, and the peace that can only be found in God. If you find yourself in this position, Beloved, return quickly to God. Repent, seek God, and follow whatever He leads your heart to do.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Quickly return to the Lord. Search and examine your heart. Let God show you what resides there and where you lost your way. Though some things might prove difficult, allow God to be your strength. Confess, repent, and move forward in the Lord, receiving what He has ordained just for you! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Declaration Series: "I Will Hide His Word in My Heart"

 Reflections4Life January 16, 2022

"I Will Hide His Word in My Heart"

"Deep winthin me I have hidden your word, so that I will never sin against you." Psalm 119:11

Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2

Our hearts are a sacred place. A place that is only truly known, 100% by GOD and ourselves--if we are honest with ourselves. In our hearts are hidden many things, from childhood to the present moments, and even thoughts and feelings concerning the future. GOD knows all of this, too. He especially knows if His word is hidden there, also.

I decree that this week's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of inspiration and encouragement for your heart, mind, and soul. Each time you read and hear the word of God, do not only hear it but also let it marinate and find a place deep in your heart to settle in. Hide the word of God in your heart so that you will be reminded of Him, His Word, and promises to you.

Thank you for coming back and fellowshipping with us this week. This is the third lesson in our DECLARATION SERIES. This series was inspired by a New Year Eve's message given by Bishop Dr. Roberta Moore of Victory Christian Tabernacle Ministries. What if we declared over our lives and into the atmosphere, our intentions for this year? Decreeing--making it law--to live by this year? Most, if not all resolutions, hardly make it past the first week of the year and are forgotten by the end of the month.

I will hide His Word in my heart. Another way to say this would be: I will hide His INSTRUCTIONS in my heart. When we hide the instructions of God in our hearts, we remember what He has called us to do. We remind ourselves how He desires us to live, and we are also reminded not to sin against Him. His instructions/Word clearly informs us what would be and would not be pleasing in God's sight. What is acceptable and not acceptable. 

When His instructions are hidden deep in our hearts, we cannot say we do not know what God expects or desires from us. Nor can we say we do not know or understand what is a sin or not sin against GOD. The Father has made His word clear. He does not deal in grey areas but in black and white. The only way to know and understand these things about GOD and His Word is to study. Study and meditate on them every day. Take time to not only pray but also read and meditate on the word and speak the word out loud.

When you make up in your heart to abide by His word, you are choosing to listen to GOD. You are making the choice to walk in wisdom and not sin against the Father and short-change yourself from a life that He has ordained for you, as well as a multitude of blessings He has for you and those He has called you to.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Hide the word of GOD in your heart. Meditate and study it day and night. Let be a light in your heart that guides you and keeps you from sinning against GOD. Though some things might prove difficult, allow God to be your strength. Confess, repent, and move forward in the Lord, receiving what He has ordained just for you! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, January 09, 2022

The Declaration Series: "I Will Listen To The Lord"

  Reflections4Life January 9, 2022

"I Will Listen to the Lord"

"A wise person will hear and increase in learning. And a person of understanding will acquire wise counsel." Proverbs 1:5

Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2

We have made it through the first week of the New Year by the grace of GOD. His mercies and grace are enduring, allowing us to prepare our hearts and minds in moving forward and receiving all that He has ordained for us. Yet, to truly receive what the Father has for us, we must fine-tune our hearts and ears to His frequency and listen to what He is saying and instructing us to do.

I decree today's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Lend God your ears so He may speak to your heart, also. Allow Him to fill you with His knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Listen to what He says, then follow the instructions He gives. For certain, they will lead to an abundant and promised life. 

This week's second Declaration in the Declaration Series is I Will Listen. We cannot fully walk in the promises of God for our lives if we do not listen to what He is saying or follow His instructions that He gives us. Sure, we can go about our business living life as we choose. God gives us that right. We all have a right to choose the path we take. However, if we desire the perfect will of God for our lives and to walk in His promises, then we must learn to listen, following the instructions set before us. The instructions that God gives in His word and in our private time with Him are not just kind and suggestive words. What God has shared is an actual roadmap to success. 

We spend a lot of time seeking ways to live our best life. We seek fame, fortune, success; even healthy and godly things, but we are not listening to the One source that can and will give us everything.  God! We twist ourselves; even to the point of abandoning our relationship with the Father, after a lifestyle or what we deem. to be perfect for us. We find ourselves so far removed from God and a relationship with Him. Some do not even find their way back, having gone so far. They listen to the lies of the enemy, believing that God would never receive them again; some never realize all they had to do was call on the name of God and He would deliver them.

But you see, that is the goal of the enemy. He desires to separate us from God. To, create a huge gulf and trick us into believing that God would never forgive us because we have gone too far. Like he did in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. They were so ashamed of what they did, that they clothed their nakedness and hid from the presence of God. That is where the enemy wants to get us and eventually take our lives before we have the chance to reconcile with God and learn the truth.

And what is that truth? That, if we would listen to God; repent and turn from our wicked ways (2 CHRONICLES 7:14), confess our sins, lay everything on the altar, God will forgive us, heal us and our land, and place us in the position to receive all that He has ordained for our lives. Beloved, all we have to do is listen to God and follow what He suggests. Yes, it all remains our choice. But why wouldn't you want to follow the plans of the Creator that created you and this entire world and universe? That's a pretty awesome resume!

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Listen to God. Follow His precepts; His instructions. Though some things might prove difficult, allow God to be your strength. Confess, repent, and move forward in the Lord, receiving what He has ordained just for you! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, January 02, 2022

The Declaration Series: "I Will Submit to the LORD"

 Reflections4Life January 2, 2022

"I Will Submit to the Lord"

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he shall flee from you." James 4:7

Scriptures for the Series: James 4; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 119:11; Lamentations 3:40; Psalm 51:10; Proverbs 11:28; Psalm 37:4; 42; Luke 3:4; Psalm 66:9; Isaiah 30:2

PEACE & BLESSINGS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! We intentionally celebrate the goodness, love, and life God has granted us in seeing this New Year.  God's grace and mercies are evident. May this year be one of revelation,  answered prayers, and manifest Blessings. 

Welcome to another year of Reflections4life. I declare and decree that it will continue to be a viable source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Open your hearts to the wonderful possibilities and opportunities that await your life when you submit to the Father, all your heart, mind, and soul. Let this be the year you determine to be all in.

I had a wonderful time in Watch Night; bringing the New Year in with the Body of Christ, family of believers, and being inspired for the New Year. The Bishop spoke on making declarations instead of resolutions. Which is the inspiration for this ten-part series. I am taking each of the declarations she shared and turning them into points of conversation to further expound upon.

God is moving mightily. He has not forgotten about you. Neither has He rejected you. However, we must be willing to surrender our all unto Him, in order to hear and see Him. To understand His instructions and follow what He is instructing us to do. 

Many have not because they haven't asked, but because they haven't submitted completely to GOD, nor have they surrendered their hearts to His will and therefore have not aligned themselves with who God is and what He has ordained for them. So they're asking for things outside of His will and season for their lives.

Can you submit your all to the Father? Can you surrender your heart, mind, and soul, trusting GOD to give you all that you need? When we submit completely unto GOD; aligning ourselves to His will and ways, we give ourselves the advantage of preparing our hearts and minds to receive and hear the mysteries that GOD desires to share with only those that submit their all, to Him. 

GOD has so much He desires to give to us. So many things He wants to reveal to our hearts and to bring revelations to our minds. If only we would surrender all to Him. Submitting our will and our ways. There is nothing that the Father would not do for His children that love him and have submitted their hearts and minds and ways to Him. When we determine to know who GOD is, we, in return get to know who we really are.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Surrender! Do not hold back from GOD.  Submit your all to the LORD,  allowing Him to renew your mind and heart. Make this the year you not only get to know GOD but also get to know who you are in GOD. You are blessed.  Now go...and be a blessing. 

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.