Sunday, April 29, 2018

"All Things New"

Reflections4Life April 29, 2018
“All Things New”
“And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also, he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5
Scripture Contemplation: Leviticus 26:9-11; Isaiah 43:19; 48; 66:22-24; Acts 14; 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12...
©Ruthe McDonald
here is nothing God desires more than for us to be with Him in paradise; to spend our eternity in His presence. To experience on this earth all that He has ordained. Yet, even God knew that things could not remain the same in our lives if we expect to receive all that He has promised. There is no room for new things in a room overcrowded with old things. Eventually, anything new added would only get lost amongst the clutter. God wants us to know that He is making all things new today. He is restoring us physically, mentally, spiritually. However, some things may be painful at times, and difficult to let go of and move on from. He is clearing away the things that have hindered and blocked us from His move and anointing in our lives. Make no mistake: God’s timing is perfect and He is making all things new.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Determine in your heart and mind to let go of what things appear to be. Meditate on the word and promises of God. Contemplate on the scriptures given today, and allow them to feed your soul and strengthen you, as God begins to make all things new concerning you. Be a willing participant in your transformation by believing God, by exercising faith. After all, all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed to make a significant change.
More Than Our Eyes Can See
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Our heavenly Father wants more for us than we could ever imagine. Sometimes we are trapped by our current circumstance, unable to see past our trials and heartache. We forget the promises and word of God because of how things appear. It is even harder to see the light and the bright side of things when your life has been a series of what feels like bad events. Yet, even in all of that, God wants us to believe that His plan is to prosper us—spiritually and physically; to give us a future and a hope.
Do you think that God did not know what lies ahead of you? He did. What many of us, however, do not know and what some of us have forgotten, is that our lives are more than what we can see. There is always a beginning, a middle, and an ending of a story. From the moment God created us, He designed us to withstand the goodness and the darkness of life. He has placed in us the ability to rise above and to push through adversity and affliction. However, we must see through His eyes, believe in our hearts, have faith in what God has spoken, even when it does not appear that way.
Clearing Away Baggage
Matthew 9:17 Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.”
Beloved, trust when I tell you, that God has great things for your life. He has promises that you have yet to discover, and you never will if you continue to hold onto old things, old ways, and what others may have done to you. It’s called baggage. Or as my Gram would say, a house of clutter.
We pray and ask God for a new life. We ask the Father to bless us, to change us, to increase our territory, but we have not done the work of cleaning out and taking care of what we already have. We have not done proper preparation that would enable us to be ready for the abundance or magnitude of the greatness of God manifesting in our lives.
Do you ever wonder why some people—like the lottery winners—can be broke in just a few years’ time? They were not prepared—mentally or emotionally. Some were overwhelmed, not financially educated, had the wrong people around them, and some were stuck in old ways and patterns of doing things.
Would you purchase brand new furniture for your home, having not gotten rid of the old furniture first? Imagine what that would look like. If you were beginning a new relationship with someone, knowing and believing in your heart you were going to marry; would you treat them as they deserved or would you hold them to a standard based upon a past relationship? Would you withhold trust and treat them based on the hurt that still resides in you from the past? What if that were done to you?
Some of us are holding onto old ways of thinking, doing, and behaving. We are holding onto old hurts, ideals, and even old love and memories that we have no room for anything new. We ask God to bless us but have yet severed ties from the past, or attempted to clean out our houses to make room for the abundance that God has for us.
All Things New
Leviticus 26:9-11(MSG) I’ll give you my full attention: I’ll make sure you prosper, make sure you grow in numbers, and keep my covenant with you in good working order. You’ll still be eating from last year’s harvest when you have to clean out the barns to make room for the new crops. I’ll set up my residence in your neighborhood; I won’t avoid or shun you.
We do not always know the middle of our life’s story. We do not know where our journey will lead us. However, when we have trust and faith in God, we can hold onto and believe in what He has spoken concerning the finish line, concerning the best years of life. With God, it is a guaranteed promise and not just wishful thinking.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. God cannot lie. He is making all things new. Having washed away the dredges of our past, all we have to do is believe and accept this awesome gift of the Heavenly Father; walking in His love and His promises. Let go of the past and its baggage. Have a new mind and new outlook; learning and receiving all that God has ordained for our lives. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

"The Possible Journey Amidst Impossible Circumstances"

Reflections4Life April 22, 2018
“The Possible Journey Amidst Impossible Circumstances”
“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 15; Deuteronomy 4:35-38; 2 Kings 17; 2 Chronicles 36; Luke 14
I decree that this week’s Reflections will continue to be a source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. There is a journey that we are all on called life. During this journey, there will arise many impossible circumstances—to the human heart and mind but not impossible for God and those who choose to believe. The journey we are on is a possible journey; one filled with many possibilities based on the belief in our heart and mind. Allow the heavenly Father to renew your mind and resurrect your hope, dreams, visions, and faith. Let God show you the possibilities in the journey before you, regardless of what you may have faced or are currently facing.
A Lesson in Endurance
Song of Solomon 8:6a (MSG) Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell.
This past weekend, my beautiful cousins laid their Mom to rest to join their father in eternal peace. My Aunt Sharon was there for me when my Mom transitioned three years ago. She was there for me in my times of need, calling me every day. She made daily calls and weekend calls to her family members just to tell them that she loved them. Every Sunday she would call me after reading Reflections and would tell me how much the word touched her heart and how did I know that was exactly what she needed to hear that day.
This woman of character, of substance, taught me that life is a journey filled with many lessons and possibilities. Life can be a beautiful, yet sometimes scary and lonely journey with difficulties, but a journey, nonetheless, that should be lived with expectations of love, passion, faith, and possibilities that surpass our imagination, no matter what comes our way.
Hers was a life of endurance. A life that spoke of possibilities despite impossible circumstances that may have arisen. When the love of her life transitioned 25 years ago, her determination to push forward showed me strength. What she showed her five daughters, and how she taught her fourteen grandchildren and two great grans about their grandpa Richard and their love was a testament, to me, about the power of truly unconditional love and that it sincerely is more powerful than death and stronger than the grave.
The Greatest Possibility is Love
Song of Solomon 8:6b-8a (MSG) The fire of love stops at nothing—it sweeps everything before it. Floodwaters can’t drown love, torrents of rain can’t put it out. Love can’t be bought, love can’t be sold—it’s not to be found in the marketplace.
Here is the greatest lesson I gained from my Auntie’s life: The trials and tests we face are there to strengthen us and to weed out all the people, places, and things that do not belong in our life. Life is not easy, but it is worth the fight to live it with love, joy, and happiness. We must know and believe in our hearts, that the love we will encounter will outshine and outlast all of the bad times if we choose to trust the process, endure the journey, have faith, to continue loving, and though difficult, forgive and move on.
On this possible journey we call life, the greatest possibility is love. Unconditional love. A love so powerful that it can turn impossible situations and circumstances into possibilities when we dare to believe and do not allow the lies of the enemy to blind us and deafen us to not only the love and redemption of God, but also the gifts of love that God brings into our life.
Unconditional love—like God—does not boast in itself. It does not say look at me, look at me. Nor does it keep a record or score of the wrongs done by those we say we love and who love us. Love is patient, kind, and understanding. Love is also freeing, healing, powerful, and very much possible. It is the greatest possibility that we have in our lives. The possibility that can change the course we are on if we are willing to believe in it and fight for it. Nothing in life worth having has ever stayed in our lives or is gained without one hundred percent dedication and the willingness to fight for what we believe in and desire.
Contrary to what some may believe or have been told, love—unconditional, sincere love—is not weak, it is strong and powerful. Nor can it be faked. It is real, life-changing, and healing. One of the reasons why the enemy does all that he can to destroy love, to divide and conquer, to separate and put asunder, is to destroy relationships, which in turn destroys families. Family—a united family—that loves and serves God is the last thing that the enemy wants. It despises a united front; a family that prays together surely does stay together. We are an example of the promises of God and His love and have the power to influence a whole new generation.
God designs a journey filled with possibilities; a journey of lifelong lessons, of hope and dreams, of love and victory. The enemy will throw in roadblocks and pits, and try to turn people—especially those we love—against us. He will work to create discord and disconnection. It is hard to see the sunlight and all the possibilities before us when all we see are impossible circumstances, have continuous negative thoughts, and constantly bombarded by the whispers, lies, and smoke and mirrors of the enemy.
At The Core of it All
Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.”
Whatever you believe in your heart; whatever you give constant thought to, becomes your reality. Whatever you are speaking to yourself and declaring to the atmosphere manifests for you. There is power in our words and thoughts. I watched my Aunt come through some very difficult trials in life and still live the life she wanted and how she wanted. I saw her happiness and pride in her children and grandchildren. I saw the power of unconditional love and the belief in possibilities instead of a focus on impossible circumstances. Her love and passion were so strong, that she created an atmosphere of belief for her grandchildren and great grans. She would tell them about their grandfather and their great-grandmother—whom most never met—and it created a memory in their mind until those children could tell you stories about their grandfather and great-grandmother, as well Aunts and Uncles, as if they were there themselves to witness it. So now, their journeys are filled with examples of the power of love, faith, and belief. They will see the possibilities in the midst of impossible situations and know that they, too, have the same power to create their reality, no matter what they are faced with in this life.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Our life is a possible journey amidst impossible circumstances because of the love of God. There are possibilities before us, Beloved. The greatest of them being love. Unconditional love is powerful and healing and can change circumstances and hearts forever. If we believe. Don’t give up and do not allow the enemy to rob you. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

"Through The Eyes of God"

Reflections4Life April 15, 2018
“Through The Eyes of God”
“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 28; 1 Samuel 16; Job 4:6; Isaiah 55:8-9
©Ruthe McDonald.
Everything looks different through the eyes of God. In His presence, we will find the courage to do, to be, to see, to believe all that God says about us. What so many fail to realize is that, through the eyes of God, you are perfect. He sees a completed work. His Masterpiece. It is time for us to get into the presence of God and truly see ourselves through the eyes of God.
I declare that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. Determine in your heart and mind to get in the presence of God this week, and allow Him to feed you; to fill you with His love and goodness, and to stir up inside of you the truth of who you are in Him. Shut out the world. Limit all distractions and receive all that God has ordained for you—one day at a time, one moment at a time.
Letting Go of the Past
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go of the past. It can be difficult to shake the lies of what others have spoken over us. Whether it was family, strangers, teachers, people in authority, someone we may have looked up to and held in high regard. They may have spoken words to us that not only hurt but also placed a block in our hearts and minds about what we were actually capable of doing.
We are not our past or what people have said about us. Though our past affects our today, it does not have to define who we are right now, especially when God has forgiven us, and will create in us a new heart and mind when we dare to believe Him, and follow Him.
It can be difficult to let go of the past when constantly reminded of past mistakes and failures. When people refuse to see us for who we are right now; acknowledge the changes in us, or even see the potential that we have. Sometimes, in those instances we have to make the difficult choice of letting go and moving forward, pushing through all the darkness. That may look like letting go of people places and things. We may have separate ourselves, start over in a different place, move away from familiar things. Simply, cut people off and sometimes out of our lives. It is by no means easy but it is necessary. It is time to free ourselves and be open to all that God has ordained for our lives.
In The Presence of God
There is nothing more invigorating or life-changing than being in the presence of God. In the presence of God, there is peace, there is power, there is healing, there is the truth. So many of us run from God when we are facing difficulties or when we feel a certain way about ourselves. The flesh wants to hide. The enemy wants us to hide from God, also. Because if we run from God in the times of trouble and uncertainty, it gives the enemy the opportunity to pounce; to bombard us with his lying whispers that far too many of us fall for. He will remind us of every mistake we ever made. Every misstep; every negative situation, every lie ever uttered to us; Satan will be bringing it up.
We must run to God in the face of adversity and hardships. In His presence is where we need to be so that we may gain a sense of self and bask in the love and power that is our God. This—in His presence—is where we receive healing, strength, power, and the wisdom to move forward and push past the incessant attacks of the enemy. This is where we recharge and renew our minds and learn how to use the armor of God, as well as learning how to pray and how to strategically win each time against the enemy and be free from the lies that have plagued our lies and have stopped us from pursuing our dreams and visions.
Through the Eyes of God
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Everything looks different through the eyes of God. After spending time in His presence you cannot help but to see things differently and to realize that we, indeed, have the power to change our circumstances by changing our focus, our thoughts and the words we speak to ourselves, and what we accept or do not accept from others.
When we see through the eyes of God, we understand that His ways and thoughts are so far above ours. We come to understand that God is more loving, forgiving, and less judgmental than we are with others and with ourselves. The truth of the matter is, when God sees us, we are whole, complete, and perfect because of His Son. He does not see our past, shortcomings, and mistakes. He sees potential, what will be if we yield to Him. He sees a beautiful, wonderful, masterpiece of His design, waiting to experience all the love and promises that He ordained for our lives.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. It is now time for us to see through the eyes of God. To see what God sees, how He sees. To see the light in the midst of the darkness; to feel joy in the midst of sorrow; to experience love in the face of indifference. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

"The Resurrection of Love and Hope"

Reflections4Life April 1, 2018
“The Resurrection of Love and Hope”
“Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons. She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.” Mark 16:9-10
Scripture Contemplation: Isaiah 52:7; Matthew 27; 28; John 20; 2 Corinthians 13...

©Ruthe McDonald.
Happy Resurrection Sunday! The ultimate sacrifice and unconditional love of Jesus Christ, gave us the greatest gift man could ever receive: Salvation, an eternity with our Heavenly Father. When Jesus rose that third day, it was for all of humanity, past present, and future. By His grace, we’re afforded the opportunity to partake in the power of His resurrection every single day God grants us.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart mind and soul. If you do not take anything from today’s devotional but one thing, let it be that we have the power to change our lives and others by what we believe in our hearts. No matter you have faced in your life that may have you feeling hopeless and far removed from love; understand this: the Resurrection was not just for then or for our physical bodies to rise up to heaven. The power of the Resurrection extends to all things that may seem dead in our lives that God says needs to live again. Such as, dreams, visions, happiness, and even love and hope. Allow the power of the resurrection touch every area of your life, believing that God is doing just what He has promised, no matter how long the wait.
A Little Bit Different
I come before you a little bit different today, sharing with you about my family and our traditions on what many call Easter Sunday. We don’t always understand things or the significance of something as a child, but with age hopefully for most of us comes wisdom, and with that understanding.
On my life’s journey, I have learned that there really is no secret to happiness. No secret code to love and hope. Not for those who walk with God, spend time in His presence and read His word. Some of the things that we did in our childhood, with our families, the traditions we practiced, were really life lessons in love and hope. We may have felt stifled as we got older, thinking we were missing something out in the big world. The truth is, for many, the keys to our happiness were already received, and we just have to remember the lessons.
My Family Traditions
Can you remember being a child during the Easter holiday? I remember feeling excited. It was more than the new clothes, and the Easter candy. It was getting to go over to my Gram’s house, and sit in her kitchen, watching her work her magic.
What I also remember about Easter, as a child, was going to church. Funny how every Easter Sunday, the church would be filled with people who had not been in church all year. Yet, the Pastor was extremely happy and made sure he gave a sermon that was at least six sermons in one!
Resurrection Sunday has always been a very special time in my family. As I got older and understood the meaning of this holy day, it made it even more special and the fact that I could spend it with those I love, celebrating what Christ did for us.
Many feel a certain way about Easter, and point out its paganism origin. However, there were life and love lessons that came in those traditions that planted seeds of truth about the Resurrection and the real reason we gathered for what many called Easter. As children, it was not so much what was said (considering our short attention span) but it was the actions of the adults that would have lasting impressions on us, and shape who we would become, what we would believe, and how we would lead our own families.
My Grams showed in her actions the love behind the Resurrection. She went all out every holiday but especially Resurrection Sunday. When my cousins and I were children, she would make sure there was a basket for everyone filled to the brim. She would gather her family and we would all go to church together. All of us decked out in our finest clothes. My Grams with her Easter hat. After services, we’d go back to her house for dinner. As she was finishing preparing her meal for her family, all the children were hunting for Easter eggs, and sneaking candy from out of our baskets.
I would always find myself at my Grams table watching her. She had the hugest smile on her face and a song on her lips. What I remember the most is how happy she was; how much joy that she held in her heart. Tired was not in her vocabulary when it came to her family. She was just pleased that all her children were under one roof, healthy and loving on one another.
That is what many of us are missing today, that familial love, the joy, the simplicity of coming together. We weren’t the richest people monetarily. We definitely had our share of hard times. However, when we came together and celebrated the life that we had and the gift of one another, it made us stronger. It made us richer. We were wealthy in love and in each other. When we shared with our friends and neighbors, even strangers, it made Resurrection Sunday that more real and joyous.
There was love and hope at my Grams table, in her home. It was such an abundance of love and hopes that even those who were not family felt it and benefited from it. We did not need permission to invite anyone, we could just bring him or her, and they would be fed and loved on. Perhaps even filled them with hope.
I realized at the same time, it was the reason why so many people show up at Church on Resurrection Sunday. Even they know, somewhere in their hearts, that it is a sacred and special time where anything can happen. They came, out of all days, hoping to receive something. Perhaps they are looking for love; looking for a little hope in their lives. Who am I to judge why they came or why they have not been there since the previous year.
What I Know for Sure
Many are facing very difficult times. The last thing that many people have on their mind is celebrating. But isn’t that what Resurrection Sunday represents? Miracles? Optimism? Hope? When we gathered around my Gram’s table for prayer, it solidified why we were really there: To celebrate what Christ had done for us, and what He made possible. 
Though there are times we might not know where the next meal is coming from, or how the bills are going to be paid, we cannot count ourselves out. We are alive and breathing. They thought when they crucified Christ, that that was the end of the story. However, it was just the beginning. A miraculous thing occurred on that third day of that Passover: Christ arose.
There are things that we face in this life, and sometimes we have no control over some things. Yet we do have control over how we respond. Things might be a bit rough right now, but it won’t always be this way. One of the greatest lessons I learned from my Gram was to share. Share what you have, and God will always provide. I have an abundance of love and hope to go around.
My Beloveds, May the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. An open fist can receive more than a closed fist. If you know someone that stands in the need of help, reach out your hands to him or her. Invite them over for dinner. Or send an anonymous food basket to their home. So many stand in the need of a miracle, perhaps you are that person’s miracle. Maybe you are the person God desires to use to resurrect someone’s love and hope this Resurrection Season. Be open to God today. You are indeed blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2018. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.