Sunday, October 30, 2022

"NOW...Do It Now!"

Reflections4Life October 30, 2022
“Now…Do It Now!”
“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the men of old gained [divine] approval.” Hebrews 11:1-2
Scripture Contemplation: Hebrews 11; Romans 4; Genesis 12; 2 Corinthians 1…

I decree that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. Rejoice in all that God has ordained for your life. Even if you cannot see the full picture yet, have faith and be confident in the word of the Lord concerning your life. Walk with Him. Commune with Him. Trust Him. Meditate and believe with all of your heart and soul. What God has ordained for your life will happen. You just have to move…when He tells you to.
There is a burning in my heart and soul, a blazing inferno and so strong at this very moment that, now, is the time to move forward in the plans of God! Now!—is the time to execute all of the plans and ideas that are written in books, journals, and to-do lists. This is the season to begin to see the manifestations of God’s promises for our lives but we have to move when God says to move. Total obedience.
Now is the time, Beloved. Now is the time to go forward with your passions, to make amends, to forgive, to let go, to move forward, to do recompense, to ask for forgiveness, to be humbled, to go after everything that God has placed in your heart that you have been procrastinating to do. Time is an elusive thing to humans. Many believe they have all the time in the world, while others believe there is not enough time. Both schools of thought have those same people frozen, standing in the same position instead of moving forward, walking in the promises of God, and following His instructions.
I understand. Believe me when I tell you, that I sincerely understand how you can become immobilized by fear, doubts, and uncertainty. Yet, God is here, knocking on the doors of our hearts, whispering in our ears; nudging our spirits to go forth in all of those plans that He has placed in us; all of the dreams and visions. He desires us to go boldly forward, walk in truth, and live our lives with no regrets.
There is such a burning in my soul today that is telling me that if we do not move on to what God has spoken to our hearts, we will miss this season of manifestations, and it is not a guarantee that we will make it to the season when it comes around again. Now is our appointed time. We must move in faith, be diligent, and believe in our hearts what God has spoken.
No matter what it appears to be. No matter what obstacles arise. No matter who is or who is not on our side; as long as God has given the green light, it is time to go forward and get the work done and bring in the harvest. Seeds were planted long ago. Pruning season has and is taking place, God is ushering in a spirit of removal and blessing His children that meditate, spend time in His presence, in prayer and fasting, with a greater anointing of discernment and an ear to hear His voice, that may sound like a whisper in the midst of chaos.
Do not wait for circumstances to be just right. They never will be. This is a faith walk. Do not wait for someone’s approval or validation when God had already approved and validated you and given you the word—the green light—to move ahead in the plans and promises He has placed in you. An impending recession, skyrocketing mortgage rates, climbing gas rates, food shortages, continued evil in the land--none of it is an issue to God when He tells us to move now! God sees it all. But He is bigger than the economic climate and far greater than the enemy that is in the land.
Let me also warn you, Beloved, in case you are not aware: Not everyone who says they are for you actually is. Not everyone who says they believe in you actually does. Not everyone you start the journey with will make it to the end to see the manifestations of the fruit of your labor and visions. And that’s okay. You may even encounter some naysayers and you will definitely encounter a Judas—maybe more than once—but be encouraged, that is just a sign that your manifest season and long-awaited promises are here. You are on the right track. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep meditating. Keep doing. Whatever you do, do not give up.
Now, Beloved now is the time to move when you feel that burning, that nudging, that thing that won’t let you sleep. You are going to have to take chances, let some things and people go, be focused, determined, and above all else: forgive. Forgive yourself for any mistakes. Forgive others for whatever they have done, and move on. You do not have time to hold resentments, regrets, anger, or unforgiveness. It will only hinder your progress and your hearing and ability to see God’s instructions for what comes next.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Do not allow your dreams and visions to die because of fear, or procrastination. Move when God says move. He will give you the provision for the visions He has placed in you. Just as He has given us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022


 Reflections4Life October 23, 2022

“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” Luke 10:19
Scripture Contemplation: Luke 9:1; Romans 12:28; Galatians 3:13; Ephesians 3:20; James 4:7

Beloved, God speaks loud and clear for those with hearts and ears to hear. Movement is happening in the body of Christ, a revival. God is telling His children, His followers, and believers, all that would listen and are open to His word, that the enemy has long been deactivated, and stripped of power. Far too many of us have been walking around with crushed hopes, dreams, and faith because we have fallen for the enemy's lie. It is time to stand in the authority of God and stop giving the enemy the power to use against us.

I decree this week's Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. Take time this week to get in the Father’s presence. Make quality time with the Father. He has things He desires to reveal to your heart and spirit. He wants to empower you and prepare you for what lies ahead. The only way to do this is if you have intimate time with the Lord every day. God is talking. It is time to listen.

We do not know what we do not know, but we can know everything we need to know if we take the time to sit at the Father’s feet and listen to what He is speaking to the church this season. There is a revival in the land that starts in the heart. It is in the hearts and minds of those who take time to meditate and set aside sacred time between themselves and God.

The sacred time between God and us is vital to our walk and what is happening on earth now. Too much is passing through our fingers. Too much harm is coming to us physically and spiritually because far too many have bought into the enemy's lies that we are powerless and hopeless and that God is not listening to us!

On the contrary, Beloved. We do have power and hope. God is indeed listening. He has been speaking loud and clear to those who have an ear to hear and consistently spends time with Him. It is not through the flesh or natural ears or intellect but through the spirit with an open mind that God is moving and revealing things. He does not always move as we think or believe He should, and His answers are not always what we expect or desire. Nonetheless, God is speaking. He is answering, reminding us today that the power the enemy had, has been deactivated, and we need to start walking in this truth and authority.  


Satan has been running amuck in many lives. Causing disastrous things in relationships, marriages, families, friendships, homes, businesses, churches, etcetera. Wherever there has been a lack of understanding, insecurities, disagreements, fear, guilt, and shame—the enemy has used these emotions and thoughts as his power source to wreak havoc in our lives.

Our actions make this possible when we forget about the power and authority that God has already given to us. We have been fighting with our physical and natural senses without armor. The battle waged is a spiritual one—beginning in our minds. We are guilty of not pulling down strongholds while entertaining the enemy's thoughts. We have fed our subconscious minds his lies and suggestions, causing our fear. What we think about and believe (even if it is a lie) comes to pass, manifesting heartaches, miscommunications, and devastations in our lives. We risk what God desires to do in our lives when we fall for the lies and manipulations of the enemy. He has been cyphering our authority and power. We have been unproperly dressed in our armor each day.

There is no power as the power of God and to who He gives it. Positions and money mean nothing in the end without the favor and anointing of God, who holds the ultimate power, which He gives and takes away. There is no power like the power God blessed us with when He defeated death, hell, and the grave, destroying, finally, the power of the enemy, giving us the authority to check and destroy, cast out demons, and heal the sick.

Here is what I believe; many of us have stopped, and some never truly believed in the power of God or His word. We have not walked by faith. Instead have walked by our past (experiences) and what things feel or look like. We have not walked in the authority God gave us. As Eve in the Garden of Eden, we have entered into a conversation with the enemy, and he has convinced us of lies and half-truths, manipulating the word of God and those we love. When we should have been binding and denouncing the enemy and his tactics, we were listening, arguing, and fighting without our armor and entering battles God said were not ours but His.

Know this and believe in your hearts today, Beloveds; there is indeed revival in the land beginning in your heart and subconscious minds and what you believe. The power of the enemy is deactivated in your life. God gave you the keys and power to destroy the works of the enemy in your life and the lives of those you love. It is time to stand up, put on your armor, follow, and believe the word of God. Really, believe me. Because without belief, you only give the enemy the ammunition he needs to steal your power, destroy your life, and kill your dreams and visions,

 My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. God cannot lie. We have the power and authority to overturn and bind up the enemy, cast out demons, and heal the sick. Yet, our unbelief in the things and ways of God and belief in the enemy’s lies stop us. Walk and believe in the authority that God has given us. Saturate your mind with the word and promises of God. Resist the devil, denounce his whispers and lies, and plead the Blood of Jesus over your thoughts and minds. Do not fall for the smoke and mirrors or what appears to be. Instead, hold onto the word and promises of God even if you cannot see God moving. Know that God does not lie. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Reflections4Life October 16, 2022
“For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers,  nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:338-39
Scripture Contemplation: Joshua 15; Proverbs 25; Matthew 16; 2 Timothy 1; 1 Corinthians 15

Be Determined to Go All the Way. Whatever God has promised to bring forth in your life comes with a price…for the flesh. The flesh truly does, war against the spirit and the enemy would like nothing more than to not only destroy us, but to also make us give up, walk away, and stop believing in God Almighty; separating us from God not solely on the earth but for all eternity. That is his way of destroying us. Walking in Christ is not for the faint of heart who do not like confrontations or getting their hands dirty. It takes a determined heart, mind, and soul, one who truly believes in what God has spoken to their heart and soul not, to surrender to the lies of the enemy.
I decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Put the whole armor of God on, Beloved. For it is essential in your walk with the Lord. Allow God to show you His strategic plans for your life; how to overcome the attacks of the enemy. There is nothing, God will not do for you but you have to listen and have developed your intimate relationship with the Father to know His truths, His heart, and His plans for your life and how to defeat the enemy.
Beloved, please understand this today; I am not trying to be harsh or mean but to be stern in love and what is burning in my heart today concerning the promises of God for our lives. It is not about judgment but about what God desires to do in our lives, and the systematic plot and plan of the enemy to destroy us, by first attacking our minds and getting us to believe that we are not strong enough for this walk in Christ or strong enough against him.
The devil is a lie! We are strong enough. We are capable of overcoming the attacks of the enemy. We do not have to worry about defeating the enemy, either. Because the truth is (and the enemy knows this and wants us to forget) that the enemy has already been defeated when Christ died on the Cross, whooped the enemy’s tail, defeated death and the grave, rose on the third day, and giving us the power and authority to destroy the enemy and his plot and plan against our lives. (Matthew 16:19, Luke 10:19, Revelation 1:18)
There is nothing the enemy wants more is for us to forget that he has already lost and everything he is doing to come at us, is a strategic mental game to get us to give up. He wants us to walk away from the promises and protection of God so that he can pounce on us, destroy our lives and dreams and have us blame God, turning our belief into unbelief and our determination to see, pursue, and accomplish the promises of God in our lives, turn into bitterness, unbelief, and self-hate.
NOT TODAY, SATAN! I am calling the enemy’s bluff today! I am uncovering the truth, revealing his plot and plan against the children of God, and encouraging every one of you today, tomorrow, and every day after, to stand your ground against the devil! Be strong and courageous! Be determined to go the distance. Put on the armor of God, suit up in prayer, keep your mind stayed on Christ and go after what God says is yours! NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!
God has already equipped us with everything we need to succeed. The keys to success, to seeing the promises of God fulfilled in our lives, are not a secret. They are 1. Believing in what God has spoken to us, 2. Making up our minds and heart to do what God instructs, 3. Putting on the whole armor of God, 4. Consistent in Prayer and Meditation, 5. Declaring and decreeing what God says about us to the atmosphere, 6. Have faith at least the size of a mustard seed, and 7. Be determined never to give up but to keep pushing forward no matter how many times the enemy tries to stop you. Oh! Bonus, 8. If you fall, get the heck back up and try again!
Greater and stronger is God in us than the enemy in the world. The enemy wants us to look at the world and get scared, disappointed, and lose hope. But, if you have been diligent and disciplined in your relationship with the Heavenly Father, you will not see the world the way the world sees it or what the enemy says it is. No. You will see the biggest seed time and harvest time of your life! For those who believe, this is your harvest time; to reap all that God has promised and ordained for your life while planting new seeds of hope and inspiration for others to harvest. If you know anything about farming, you do not take up the harvest without planting new seeds.
Beloveds, I am telling you now: we are in one of the greatest harvests and seedtimes ever! It is time to see the manifestation of long-awaited prayers and promises and time to plant seeds of love, inspiration, encouragement, and faith. But it won’t be without a spirit of determination.
We must have a spirit of determination. Because if there is one thing the enemy can do very well, is lie, manipulate, and cause confusion while putting forth a bunch of illusions. He is not above playing dirty and using fear, manipulation, and guilt to get what he wants. There has to be a determination to stay the course and to make sure we are maintaining an intimate walk with the Father, following all that He instructs us to do. We cannot give the enemy any room. If we do, he will wreak havoc and have us believe that God abandoned us in our time of need. When God is telling us, it’s only a test that we can and will pass if we faint not and continue to believe what He has spoken to our hearts.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Let your heart be filled with determination. Know that God is a promise keeper and has equipped each of us with a spirit of strength and courage to make it through all adversities and afflictions. We know this because He is in us. Where the spirit of the Lord resides, there is strength, healing, power, grace, and a never-ending abundance of love and mercy. Do not be fooled by letting go of the promises of God, but be determined, like Joshua and Caleb, to see the promises of God be fulfilled in your life and those you love! You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

Saturday, October 08, 2022

"Look Again...The Rain is Coming!"

 Reflections4Life October 9, 2022

“Look Again…The Rain is Coming.”
“The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’” 1 Kings 18:44
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 28; 1 Kings 17; 18; Matthew 6; James 5…

©Ruthe McDonald.
I don’t know about you but I hear the rain coming. I hear the rain of abundance; the rain of restoration, the rain of health, and the rain of promises and blessings manifested. Though at first glance things may appear the same, I encourage you to look again. The rain is coming, the rain of God’s blessings and promises.
I decree that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. If you have not already, I encourage you to set aside some intimate time for yourself and the heavenly Father. We have entered a new season spiritually and physically. God has much He wants you prepared for but you have to be in His presence; spent quality and intimate time with Him for You to hear and see what God is about to do. God is showing up in a big way, Beloveds. Be prepared.
I am certain, considering the fact that so many of us have witnessed and some personally have experienced the devastation of several hurricanes; the last thing you want to think about or perhaps see is more rain. Yet, the rain that is coming now is a spiritual downpour that will alleviate the drought that many have been experiencing in their lives. Whether it has been a physical drought, an emotional and mental drought, or a spiritual or financial drought; the rain—spiritual rain—is coming to alleviate the pain and discomfort of the years of drought that we have suffered in our lives.
Many have suffered many things in their lives—myself included—that have left us feeling parched and dry. It has felt as if nothing in our lives is growing and that what we need has been sparse. There seems to never be enough and just when it looks like we are about to get relief, it is swept away and our wait for relief continues.
There has been a spiritual and physical drought and famine. It has claimed many a person’s faith; has stolen peace, joy, hope, and happiness. It has even robbed many of love. Droughts and famines are devastating. Blowing plumes of dust and dryness into every area of our lives until we barely recognize who we are or the dreams we once had.
Difficult times arise and our faith is brittle at best. We feel older than we are, as though we have aged years overnight. The fear of never having enough or reaching our goals has taken up residence in many hearts. Visions have been lost and let go of, as some have given up and cannot see any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
There are some not even aware they have been in a drought, they are in a famine. They are not even aware they have been operating in yesterday’s anointing, under yesterday’s mercies and grace. “Yesterday” is referring to any amount of time in the past. The ones who have surrounded themselves with yes people, and who debunk anything that will contradict them and their words. These are the ones that have robbed and caused pain for many others; especially the children of God. They do not even realize that their time is up or that the lies they have spoken and the truth of their hearts are about to be revealed just as King Ahab and Jezebel and their false prophets were in 1 Kings 18.
For those that have believed, though it has been difficult and painful, and may have suffered great loss, and may be getting ready to give up at this very hour, God is telling us today, Beloved, to look again! Look in your heart, your spirit; there is rain coming; a powerful downpour that will alleviate the sting that the drought and famine have caused. Dreams and visions are being rebirthed; given new life.
If you have stood by the Lord’s side, and held onto faith—though you may have stumbled or fallen a few times—you are about to see the fruit of your obedience and faith. There is relief coming. No matter what it looks like. No matter if it appears the same on the outside and the bill collectors keep calling; your bank account keeps an overdraft, your utilities keep getting shut off; you haven’t had more than enough in years—there is an abundance of rain coming that is alleviating the pressure. It is bringing new life and strength and reversing the damages left by the drought and famine in our lives.
God is restoring, Beloveds, so look again! Hear with your spiritual ears, see with your spiritual eyes, receive the word of God in your heart, and stand on your faith. That rain is coming and your life will not be the same—in a good way! God is renewing and making new. He is restoring hope, faith, and joy. So go on and look again! Even if it has to be seven times or seventy-seven, until you, too, see that fist of a cloud in the sky and hear the sound of rain coming.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Your turnaround season is here! God is sending the rains that are ushering in a new life, new hope, new joy, and new opportunities. Relief is here for those who have been devastated by drought and famine. The season of manifestations is upon us and God is showing up and letting us know that He is still King on His throne and in our lives. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

"Resurrected Dreams and Visions"

 Reflections4Life October 2, 2022

“Resurrected Dreams and Visions”
“For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ, they are [all answered] “Yes.” So through Him, we say our “Amen” to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20 AMP
Scripture Contemplation: Numbers 11:34;19; Genesis 15; Joshua 21:45; Psalm 12:6; John 16
 ©Ruthe McDonald.

I declare that this week’s Reflections is a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. God is doing a great thing. Dreams and visions that you believed were long gone, forgotten about, and dead—God is resurrecting. Allow this week to find you get into a position and posture of prayer, receiving what God has ordained for your life. Get ready because God is moving mightily!
Know in your hearts Beloveds that as long as you have breath in your body, God is granting you another opportunity to walk in His blessings for your life. However, it is up to you to believe it, receive it, and walk in it. Yes, you may be going through some things right now that are dictating the opposite. However, God is moving and you do not want to miss what He is doing because you allow fear, anger, doubt, unbelief, and the lies of the enemy to keep you from seeing and receiving all that God says is yours…on this earth.
When we were children, we often had fantastical dreams and visions. So much, that many wanted to be one thing and by the following week, wanted to be something else. Our imaginations took us on flights of fancy that stirred our creativity and imagination. It stirred up in different ways, making us feel invincible and that anything was possible! There was no way we would not be all that we dared to believe and dream.
There was not much if anything that we feared or wouldn't try. Unless we were taught to be afraid, told we could not, and discouraged on a consistent basis, lacking any kind of support or encouragement to dream and reach for the stars. Not having seeds of faith planted in our young hearts and minds. All children should be encouraged and their dreams validated, no matter how inconsequential, far-out, or unattainable they may seem to an adult. Far too many of us had our dreams and visions killed before we ever had the chance to really even develop our imagination or figure out who we are and what we may or may not be good at.
 Allow me to say this to all parents and anyone with influence over children: encourage them. Encourage their imagination. Ignite their creativity and inspire them to dream. Do not kill the seeds of vision and creativity because you may have doubts or because of your disappointments in life. Do not put your burdens on children who haven’t even had the opportunity to fully dream or hope yet. Give them a fighting chance. If they fall, let them. There is a lesson for them to learn in getting up.
Not all of us had the kind of childhood that fostered our hopes, dreams, and imagination. I was privileged to have parents that encouraged me to fly, to dream, to soar. Constantly being told that I "would be" anything I desired. That I would live my dreams and have whatever my heart desired. My parents believed in my brothers and me.
Here is another truth: as awesome as my parents were, they could not stop life from happening. Certain things were not in their control, things that hurt me as a child, as a young girl, and then as a young woman; even now as an adult. We are going to grow up and find out for ourselves that life is not always pretty and it is not always fair. Some dreams will be deferred, some hopes will be smothered, and some visions will be forgotten. Fear, doubt, anxiety, and comparing ourselves to others, may become a part of our reality.
Beloveds, there is good news, however. God can and will restore and resurrect our dreams and visions. He will even give us bigger and greater dreams and visions; enlarging our territories. He will take our hurts, heartaches, disappointments, and pain, and turn them into our purpose, our passion, and our wealth. All of what we have lost will be restored. All that the enemy has stolen will be given back. God will turn our tests into testimonies; grant us double for our shame. We just have to believe Him and follow His instructions, and not be afraid to dream again and do the work that is necessary to get what God says is ours.
We are in our harvest time right now! Yet, many think that because the harvest is here. There is no longer any work that needs to be done. That, we can sit back, relax, and see things fall into place. No Beloved, the harvest means work. Perhaps, even more work than the planting. Yet, do not be afraid or allow that to intimidate you because of this kind of work; working for our harvest is one of the greatest times of our lives. It is when we begin to see the manifestations of the blessings and promises of God in our lives, the fruit of our labor blossoming.
This is the season of miracles, the supernatural, turnarounds, and answered prayers. Do not be fooled by the current state of affairs of this world. For, we may be in this world, be we are not of this world, and the Father is preparing us to lead others to the truth about who Jesus is, who He is, and who we are in Him. God has ushered us into a season of resurrected dreams and visions. We have much to do and God wants us ready to walk in the fullness of His promises and His love without hesitation or procrastination.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do not despise humble beginnings or talk yourself out of the blessings of God. Stay in a posture of prayer, and God will reveal to you all that you need in order to move forward in His promises and abundance. The Father loves you…just as you are. You are blessed and highly favored. Now go…and be a blessing! AND DREAM!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.