Sunday, April 03, 2022

"Heavy Load Sharer and Burden Bearer"

Reflections4Life April 3, 2022

"Heavy Load Sharer and Burden Bearer"

"Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you..." Isaiah 46:4 

Scriptures for the Week: Isaiah 46:4; Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 58:6; Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 41:13; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Isaiah 40:11; Psalm 34:17; Isaiah 41:10; Galatians 6:2

There is nothing that God cannot delivers from if we truly desire to be delivered. There are no burdens or loads too heavy that He cannot carry or bear. If only we would trust, that God is and will always be, our heavy load sharer and burden bearer, things would get a lot easier for us!

I decree that this week's Reflections4Life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. I encourage you this week to release what you have been holding so tightly, for fear it will either go wrong or break. Release into the capable hands of God, the heavy load you have been carrying, that has weighed you down over the years, robbing you of joy and peace and the happiness that God has promised you. You really do not have to do it all. God really does have you...if You let Him.

Why do we do it to ourselves? Why do we carry these heavy loads, burdening ourselves down in impossible situations until we break down?  If there is one thing we know how to do as human beings, is be a martyr! When did this start? More than likely we saw our mothers do it or our fathers do it. Yet, we conveniently forget how worn down and burdensome they became in the process. That was no way for them to live and it is definitely no way for us to live; especially when we have a Heavenly Father waiting to relieve us of those heavy burdens. Whether they are physical or spiritual burdens.

I witnessed my mother carry many burdens on her shoulders, in her soul. It wore on her so heavily that she suffered at one point in her life, from a dissociative disorder. This was where her mind splintered into a different character that would take over mentally when she could not bear or face what was presently occurring. This went on and off, for years. There would be long stretches where she would work, live her life, and take care of my brother and me with no incident. Then what seemed out of the blue, she would be gone! In hindsight, there were signs leading up to it. But for us, it appeared all of a sudden, out of nowhere. It was not until my mother accepted Christ as her Savior again (she was saved at thirteen but was in a backslidden condition) that He delivered her from that state of mind. She surrendered all of her burdens to God, trusting Him with every care and concern she had. From the moment she recommitted her life to the Lord to the day she transitioned, she never had another episode. One of the things I was most proud of my Mother for, was that she did not hide her past or run from it. In fact, she openly testified about it. Hers was a powerful testimony of the love and power of God. It was a prime example of God being our heavy load sharer and burden-bearer! Her willingness to be transparent and authentic helped win many souls for Christ and answer many questions for others who were suffering as she had.

Here we are, in a world riddled with confusion, anxiousness, and mistrust. We are burdened with heavy loads that seem to multiply day by day. Yet, God is still the same God. He can handle anything that we are going through. Whatever may be too heavy for us to carry, He can and will. All we have to do is give it to Him! Let God into our hearts. Release the tight hold we have on our shame, secrets, and burdens. The same burdens that are killing us. The same burdens that are causing some to commit suicide and others still contemplating it. The same heavy loads that have people losing their minds and their souls.

Beloveds, cry out to the Lord! He not only hears you, He knows you and has made a way of escape for you. There is nothing too hard or difficult for God. There is nothing new under the Sun that He has not already been acquainted with and has an answer for. He is the answer. He is who and what your hearts have been searching for! Crying out for! There is not one thing you cannot bring to the Heavenly Father that will surprise Him or turn Him away from you. He loves you and has already paid the cost for you to be free! All you have to do is believe and accept it.

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. There is absolutely nothing too difficult for God. There is nothing too heavy or too burdensome that He cannot handle. All you have to do is trust Him and give all of your heavy loads and burdens to Him! He loves you unconditionally, no strings attached! You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 


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