Sunday, March 20, 2022

"God Faith and Favor"

Reflections4Life March 20, 2022

"God Faith and Favor"

"God is faithful, and you were called by Him to partnership with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:9

Scriptures for the Week: 1 Corinthians 1; Exodus 34:6; Deuteronomy 7:9; 32:4; Romans 16; 1 Peter 1; James 4

God, faith, and favor go together like peanut butter and jelly! Like, ice cream and cake! It's available separately but when combined, is an explosion of flavor and better. We can believe in God and accept Him into our hearts. Yet, many are not walking in faith or utilizing the favor available to us. The believer who consistently prays, communicating with the heavenly Father, discovers the power of the combination of life under this trifecta!

I decree, that this week's Reflections4life will be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for your heart, mind, and soul. Determine to take your relationship with God to a new level of intimacy. Let God into your heart where you have been so guarded. God is not going to hurt you. He is going to love on you, opening your heart and mind to different levels of faith and His anointing of favor. Your life will never be the same once you understand and experience the powerful combination of God, faith, and favor at work in your life.

There is something absolutely amazing that happens in your life when you understand the power of God, faith, and favor all working together, at the same time, in your life. It is a powerful, life-changing, thing. And the truth is, many of us will not know this or even experience this if we do not let go of who we think God is, and the weak perception of what we believe faith and favor are. 

God is more than a deity. He is more than a prayer answered. He is more than we have the vernacular to describe or the mental capacity to understand. Yet, we can know Him through an intimate relationship. It is through this intimacy that we learn what God says is faith and how His favor works. Also, how they work together. God is the key to the mysteries in this world. He has the answers we seek for every question we could ever have. He is our Creator, our Father, our Friend. He is our Teacher and Counselor, as well. God Almighty is so many things that those who maintain an intimate relationship with Him will soon come to understand. God never leaves us in the dark. In time, He reveals all the things that need and should be revealed in His timing.

Here is the important thing that I learned about God's favor and faith. When God blesses you and tells you that He has filled you with His gift of faith-- a supernatural amount of faith that goes beyond just believing --and has covered you in His favor, He does not take it back! This blew my mind! When God makes a declaration over your life; He is not just making it for that moment; He is decreeing, making a law that now governs your life for as long as you are on this earth. Even if afterward, down the line you turn away from God, you stumble in your faith, His favor and faith remain in you. They are buried under sin and bad choices and decisions. They are overshadowed by troubles and by things you have now put higher than God. BUT...they are still there because God placed them there and they cannot be removed unless God removes them! It is God, through your repentance, that will remove the debris and layers that now cover faith and favor once you come back to Him.

Before God blessed us, He knew what we were going to do. He already knew if we would rise to the occasion, fall back in old ways, reject Him because of life's circumstances, or forget who we are because of fear and the enemy. He knew all of this, and still, He blessed us with Himself, a gift of faith, and His covering of favor. We are the ones that must come to this powerful revelation. We are the ones that must come to this understanding. We are the ones that must decide if we are going to finally stand up and be who God says we are and live in the space He has ordained for us, using faith and favor to achieve what God has already ordained in our lives. 

My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Know this: EverythingGod has promised you is already in you. Everything you need to succeed is already in you. God has placed in you all that you need to conquer every obstacle that comes your way. You just have to believe it! Should you lose hope and fall away, know that He has not left you. He is there; waiting on you to recognize that what He placed in you hasn't died but lays dormant waiting for you to repent and take your rightful place. You are blessed. Now go...and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

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