Sunday, November 14, 2021

"Be Still and Know"

 Reflections4Life November 14, 2021

“Be Still and Know”
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10
Scripture Contemplation: 1 Chronicles 22:9; 2 Chronicles 20; Provers 15:18; 29:9…

More than anything at this time, we need to quiet our souls and hear what God is saying. Many are dealing with much hurt, pain, disappointment, and fear. Though you may feel this way now, do not allow it to linger. Quiet your soul; your mind, so that you may hear what God has to say to you in this very important time in our lives.
I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration; bringing peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Take a step back this week. Allow God to give you rest in your heart mind and soul. Let the blood of Jesus cover your thoughts and penetrate your soul, giving you an everlasting peace that will rest in all parts of your life.
Oh! Beloveds, there is so much angst and noise cluttering our souls. Our minds can barely keep up with the fast-changing emotions that many are dealing with. I want to encourage you today, to lean on God. Let Him give you rest in your heart and mind. Allow His peace to rule your heart as you navigate from day to day, especially encountering things that are a bother and vexation to your soul.
There are many times when God wants to bless our lives. He desires to impart knowledge, wisdom, and gifts of the spirit. However, we often miss it because our minds and hearts are cluttered and bogged down with the cares of the world. Often, it overshadows the voice and move of God.
Many times we have seen situations where it seemed hopeless, and in the eleventh hour, God worked it out. We may ask, why does God do that? Why does He come at the last hour instead of when we first asked? The truth of the matter is, He has answered us straightaway. Yet, there are those of us who need to be stretched in our faith and reminded that promises of God are yes and amen. Meaning, that whatever God tells us, and whatever we asked of Him, and believed that we already received, we can believe that no matter what things appear to be, God is answering and He will see us through.
We forget the power of God sometimes and question His love and concern for us when we witness things happen that are unfathomable to our hearts and minds and who God is. Our mind gets jumbled with all the doubts, fears, and noise of the enemy. Trust me; the enemy is diligently whispering in our ears and speaking doubts and fear into the fabric of our minds.
The noise in our mind often overshadows the voice of God, and the peace that He says belongs to those who keep their mind stayed on Him. Yes. It is very easy to get sidetracked with all the hate, evil, fear, and uncertainty that is in the world. But this is when we must remember who God is, who we are in Him, and that regardless of how things may appear, God is still God on His throne and He shall not be moved. And all that God has spoken concerning our lives—even in the midst of chaos and confusion—He will make come to pass if we will continue to believe, to stand firm in His word and on His promises.
Beloved, if you do not believe anything else today, believe this: God loves you and He has you covered. Though it may appear as the enemy is winning, God remains God and in control, and He has us covered. Regardless of what the enemy whispers to us, how crazy the world gets, remember that God has the last word and the last, best laugh. We can and will be victorious in the face of adversity and all manner of evil. When God is for us, who can be against us? No One. A couple of lost battles does not determine the outcome of a war. For God says, that the war has already been won and that all things are working out for our good.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Though it may appear at times that the enemy has won, do not be deceived—God is still on His throne and has declared us the winner. Yield to the Father. Allow Him to bring peace and quietness to your mind and soul. Do not be swayed or discouraged by what things appear to be. God always gets the final word. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.
©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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