Sunday, July 18, 2021

"Get Out of Your Own Way"

 Reflections4Life™️ July 18, 2021

“Get Out of Your Own Way!”
“But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord charged you: to love the Lord your God, and to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments, and to cleave unto Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Joshua 22:5
Scripture Contemplation: Deuteronomy 11; Joshua 1; Matthew 22; Romans 15; 1 Thessalonians 1…

There is indeed something greater that God has for each one of our lives; greater than we could ever imagine. Many do not see it or reach it, because they do not believe it. Too much, according to them, has taken place in their lives for them to believe in anything great ever happening. However, the truth is, if we would get out of our own way and take God at His word, believe what the word of GOD tells us in Ephesians 3:21, we will see the manifestations of His promises for our lives.
I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration.  Let this word bring peace and revelation to your heart, mind, and soul. Do something this week that you rarely allow yourself to do: Take God at His word and leave every worry behind. Give God full access to every part of your life—leaving nothing untouched by His hand of love and mercies. 
I will not lie to you; sometimes it is difficult to get through the things we are faced with and still have hope and joy in our lives concerning the promises of God. Yet, that is exactly what God is asking of us to do. To maintain hope and joy in the midst of the chaos, heartache, and craziness of this world we are in. To love Him with all our heart, mind, and soul; even when things do not seem to be going well. Especially then.
Is this an easy task? No. Not at all. However, at some point we are going to have to make up in our hearts and minds to get out of our own way and stop blocking the blessings that God has declared and decreed for our lives before we even entered this realm of time.  Far too many get things twisted. God does not have to catch up with the times. He doesn’t have to show up when WE say to show up. He doesn’t have to do anything more than what He already has done in our lives, because He has done far more for us than most of us will ever realize or be thankful for. We just can't see or understand it. Or comprehend God’s ways.
Far too often we block our own blessings. We get in the way of God moving in our lives because we are stuck in a position and point in time. Do you not understand, Beloved, that God works outside the realm of time? That, He is in fact already done everything He said He was going to do? That, it is us—we ourselves that must make the next move if we want to see the promises of God revealed in our lives?
Now is not the time to give up or give in to the enemy, Beloved. There is too much on the line. Your life, the life of those God called us to minister to, our families, children, co-workers; even strangers on the street; are waiting for us to get this right, and stop hindering ourselves with our inner dialogues of mistrust, doubt, fear, and unbelief. The harvest is ready but the laborers are few because most of us have talked ourselves out of doing things God way. We have allowed the circumstances, trials. and tests to dictate our next move and what we choose to believe.
Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you tired of not walking in the fullness of God and placing your burdens at His feet; at the foot of the throne and really leaving them there, because you truly and honestly, with your entire being, believe what God says concerning you and yours?
It is time, Beloved. Time to get out of your own way. Time to remember the promises that God has made for your life. Promises concerning you and your relationships and your loved ones. It’s time to remember what God says about your gifts, and how they will make room for you. It is time to remember to read and study your word. How can you possibly prepare and be ready for the abundance God has promised you, if you have not spent any time in His presence to know the 411? To know what is in the heart of God? To know and understand what God expects from you?
We block the manifestations of our blessings when we cease to get out of our own way and receive all that God has promised—no matter what the circumstances or situations look like. Beloveds, do not allow your mind [The devil’s playground] trick you into believing that nothing is happening and you need to give up. The devil is a lie! Get out of your way and allow God to have His way,
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Do you not know and understand yet, just how precious you are to God? Just how much of a threat are you to the enemy’s kingdom? Well! You are! Do not complain one more second. Do not doubt the power, love, and hand of God moving in your life and already working things out. If there is one thing you may confidently say, it is that God has your back, 100.  Whatever you put into this life; whatever seeds you have sown; God has equipped you and prepared you for the fight that may lie before you while you await your harvest. Never doubt His word. He created you, didn’t He? You are blessed. Now go, and be a blessing.

©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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