Sunday, July 04, 2021


 Reflections4Life July 4, 2021


“You are free, but still, you are God’s servants, and you must not use your freedom as an excuse for doing wrong…They promise freedom to everyone. But they are merely slaves of filthy living because people are slaves of whatever controls them.” 2 Peter 2:16, 19 CEV
Scripture Contemplation: Psalm 119:40-45; Isaiah 61:1; Zechariah 1; John 8:36; Galatians 5…

Today and each day that follows, may you be surrounded by those you love and those who love you, having a joyous time, filled with much laughter. Remember: our independence came when Christ died for us and took the keys of life back from Satan and hell—a true reflection of our freedom.
I pray today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I decree it be a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. Take full advantage of your freedom to serve God openly, without fear or trepidation that someone will take your life for uttering the name of Christ. Let this week be a reminder of the kind of freedom we have that many have given their lives to just have a taste of. Don’t just be free in the physical, but free in your mind and spirit. Allow God to lead you, as the Holy Spirit teaches you.
I am not free unless you are free, too.
I am not free if I am tethered to a life
that seeks to strip others of theirs.
I am not free if I cannot walk away from 
every earthly gain.
I am not free if I seek to hold you
down only so that I can rise above you.
I am not free if in my heart I can not
see the invisible ties that bound you and me.
I am not free if I have yet to believe that
God has set all of humanity free.
Freedom...when I see as God sees.
©Ruthe McDonald.
I truly believe we take our freedom for granted. Not in the manner that we forget, we have freedom, but that we do not fully exercise our gratitude by living a life that is reflective of that freedom, while others are still fighting just to have a tenth of the kind of freedom we take for granted every day. Freedom is more than just the ability to do what you want when you want. It is the ability to move freely, also, in our minds and spirits. Doing things that will not only edify the God we serve but seeks to ensure freedom for all those still in bondage. Whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual bondage. I can’t fully enjoy my freedom if I know that my brother and sister are still bound in chains, while I have the power and freedom (of mind and physical) to make a difference.
Freedom comes with a huge price tag. Though the cost of freedom has been paid, we are still charged with living our lives that will not only exemplify God but help to set other captives free. Be it physical captivity, or captivity of the mind and spirit.
If you know the truth; the kind of truth that could make a world of difference in someone’s life, would you share it? Would you make that truth heard, whether someone wanted you to speak it or not? The price of our freedom was paid when Christ gave His life for us. Yet, we are still charged with spreading the Good News. Of letting those who are still in chains know that they have the key in their possession that will set them free.
Luke 4:18 “The Lord’s Spirit has come to me because he has chosen me to tell the good news to the poor. The Lord has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners, to give sight to the blind, to free everyone who suffers…”
There are so many areas in our lives that God desires us to be free in. Free in our thoughts and our heart. Free to be who we choose to be. The biggest gift of freedom that God gave us is the freedom to choose. The gift of choice has enabled us to live as we desire to live. Yet, so many of us use it as an excuse to do what we want, while oppressing the freedom of those around us.
Freedom does not give us the liberty to live in just any kind of way. The freedom we have comes with responsibility. And whatever ways we determine to exercise our freedom, we must be willing to accept the consequences and take responsibility for our actions.
Be free in your hearts and minds, Beloveds. Stop holding onto grudges, and things that bring unrest to your heart and soul. Walk, in your freedom totally, not partially. Don’t take for granted the gift you have been given. Embrace it by becoming the best version of yourself that you can attain on this earth.
When we come to God, He makes us free in every area of our lives. He grants us freedom in our minds, as well as actions. The Father does not want us to exchange one set of chains for another. He desires for us to live a life of abundance and with a heart of gratitude that not only seeks to see those around us free, as well, but to actually do something about it.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. You have been given a gift. A precious gift to be free from things that would bind you, and strip you of your choice to live the life that God has ordained for you. Take advantage of it by living life to the fullest, and sharing the love of God with others. It is no fun being free all by yourself, after all. Embrace your freedom by seeking to free others also. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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