Sunday, October 30, 2022

"NOW...Do It Now!"

Reflections4Life October 30, 2022
“Now…Do It Now!”
“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the men of old gained [divine] approval.” Hebrews 11:1-2
Scripture Contemplation: Hebrews 11; Romans 4; Genesis 12; 2 Corinthians 1…

I decree that this week’s Reflections are a continued source of encouragement and inspiration for heart, mind, and soul. Rejoice in all that God has ordained for your life. Even if you cannot see the full picture yet, have faith and be confident in the word of the Lord concerning your life. Walk with Him. Commune with Him. Trust Him. Meditate and believe with all of your heart and soul. What God has ordained for your life will happen. You just have to move…when He tells you to.
There is a burning in my heart and soul, a blazing inferno and so strong at this very moment that, now, is the time to move forward in the plans of God! Now!—is the time to execute all of the plans and ideas that are written in books, journals, and to-do lists. This is the season to begin to see the manifestations of God’s promises for our lives but we have to move when God says to move. Total obedience.
Now is the time, Beloved. Now is the time to go forward with your passions, to make amends, to forgive, to let go, to move forward, to do recompense, to ask for forgiveness, to be humbled, to go after everything that God has placed in your heart that you have been procrastinating to do. Time is an elusive thing to humans. Many believe they have all the time in the world, while others believe there is not enough time. Both schools of thought have those same people frozen, standing in the same position instead of moving forward, walking in the promises of God, and following His instructions.
I understand. Believe me when I tell you, that I sincerely understand how you can become immobilized by fear, doubts, and uncertainty. Yet, God is here, knocking on the doors of our hearts, whispering in our ears; nudging our spirits to go forth in all of those plans that He has placed in us; all of the dreams and visions. He desires us to go boldly forward, walk in truth, and live our lives with no regrets.
There is such a burning in my soul today that is telling me that if we do not move on to what God has spoken to our hearts, we will miss this season of manifestations, and it is not a guarantee that we will make it to the season when it comes around again. Now is our appointed time. We must move in faith, be diligent, and believe in our hearts what God has spoken.
No matter what it appears to be. No matter what obstacles arise. No matter who is or who is not on our side; as long as God has given the green light, it is time to go forward and get the work done and bring in the harvest. Seeds were planted long ago. Pruning season has and is taking place, God is ushering in a spirit of removal and blessing His children that meditate, spend time in His presence, in prayer and fasting, with a greater anointing of discernment and an ear to hear His voice, that may sound like a whisper in the midst of chaos.
Do not wait for circumstances to be just right. They never will be. This is a faith walk. Do not wait for someone’s approval or validation when God had already approved and validated you and given you the word—the green light—to move ahead in the plans and promises He has placed in you. An impending recession, skyrocketing mortgage rates, climbing gas rates, food shortages, continued evil in the land--none of it is an issue to God when He tells us to move now! God sees it all. But He is bigger than the economic climate and far greater than the enemy that is in the land.
Let me also warn you, Beloved, in case you are not aware: Not everyone who says they are for you actually is. Not everyone who says they believe in you actually does. Not everyone you start the journey with will make it to the end to see the manifestations of the fruit of your labor and visions. And that’s okay. You may even encounter some naysayers and you will definitely encounter a Judas—maybe more than once—but be encouraged, that is just a sign that your manifest season and long-awaited promises are here. You are on the right track. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep meditating. Keep doing. Whatever you do, do not give up.
Now, Beloved now is the time to move when you feel that burning, that nudging, that thing that won’t let you sleep. You are going to have to take chances, let some things and people go, be focused, determined, and above all else: forgive. Forgive yourself for any mistakes. Forgive others for whatever they have done, and move on. You do not have time to hold resentments, regrets, anger, or unforgiveness. It will only hinder your progress and your hearing and ability to see God’s instructions for what comes next.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Do not allow your dreams and visions to die because of fear, or procrastination. Move when God says move. He will give you the provision for the visions He has placed in you. Just as He has given us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved. 

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