Saturday, June 04, 2022

"Walk Away"

 Reflections4Life June 5, 2022

“Walk Away”
“If any place won’t welcome you or listen to your message, leave and shake the dust from your feet as a warning to them.” Mark 6:11
Scripture Contemplation: Matthew 10; Acts 17; 2 Timothy 2…
©Ruthe McDonald.
I declare that this week’s Reflections is a continued source of encouragement for your hearts, minds, and souls. Set aside some quality God time this week so that He may fill up the reserves of your heart and spirit with His love, patience, kindness, joy, and peace. Allow Holy Spirit to lead you to where you need to be. Do not allow anyone’s rejection of who you are to keep you from remembering who God has already declared you to be.
I know. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is walk away when all you want to do is prove your point or want your message or what you are saying to be heard and understood. However, Beloveds, as you will come to know if you do not already, not everyone is going to be receptive to your ideas, your opinions, your knowledge, your message, or wisdom. You will be in some places and in others, where what you have to say will not be received. Not everyone will want to hear what God or you have to say or welcome you.
There is so much in all of us—a word, a message, a truth—that God wants us to share. God will indeed send us to places already knowing that what we have to say and to offer will not be received. Yet, our going is not about whether what we have to say is accepted or listened to, but about our obedience to God in going forth anyway.
We are encouraged, however, to not become discouraged by the lack of reception that we may receive. God admonishes us to leave and shake the dust from our feet. Meaning, do not linger in that place—physically, or mentally. There are so many people waiting for what you have to say. There are people waiting on the message that is burning in your heart and your soul. We cannot be caught up in our feelings every time someone does not want to listen to us or receive the message we are sharing. Even though one place was not receptive, or even the last five places!—does not mean the next place will be the same.
Know this, as well: Your message may have appeared to not have been received or listened to; you just never know if there was indeed one person, one soul that heard and received, or that the seeds you planted actually landed on good soil. So do not hang on being accepted or not. Just do whatever God has called you to do and move on. When it is time to go forth again, be certain to have also walked away mentally from the last place that did not receive you. You never want to bring doubt and uncertainty with you, but instead, confidence and boldness, knowing that God has ordained you for this hour and time.
Learning to walk away is pivotal in our lives, Beloveds. It is not always about staying, fighting, and not giving up. Sometimes it is about saving your sanity, your own faith, and being able to hear God before emotions and hurt feelings block and stop you from being and doing all that God has ordained. There are times when walking away is the best thing you could have done.
Many of us feel as though if we walk away, that we have given up, we are not exercising faith. No. We are actually using wisdom and following the instructions of God. The flesh will always want to save face and not be embarrassed or considered a failure. Yet, the real winners are those that see the situation for what it is and walk away in maturity, understanding that they have done all they could and should do and do not have to prove anything to anyone.
When God tells you to walk away; to no longer try to convince or to share your message, He already knows you have done all that you could and should have done. Do not stay in a place where you are not received, welcomed, celebrated, or listened to. If what you have to offer is not received, move on. Because it will be a shame for you to stay and try to convince someone and you end up being the person that is changed.
Oh yes! I have seen it countless times. Even with myself. You want the person(s) to receive what God has for them. You hate to see them walking in circles, or into brick walls, or generally just messing up their lives, and you desperately want them to see the truth and accept the truth. You desire for them to truly believe because you know how much their lives will be changed. However, in the process of trying to convince them, you become the one who has changed.
God does not want that. He wants us to retain our integrity and our belief. That is why it is so important to maintain a prayer-filled life; always seeking God’s direction; following his instructions, and checking our own hearts and motives. Why would you stay in a place that made it clear that your message was not being seen or heard? Let that pride go! When God says walk away, shake the dust from your feet, then do it! We are no one’s savior. Jesus is the only one who gets that spot! You know what? He can have it! LOL. We cannot save a single soul but we can be the instrument that God uses to get them to see and into position to receive what God has for them. But we must not linger in a place so long that we forsake all the rest that are waiting on us. And trust me, Beloveds; there are many others that are anxiously awaiting what we have to say and share with them today.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. Walking away is not an indication of failure or giving up. It is learning not to linger in a place, space, or time that may hinder or eventually rob you of your own message and blessings. Let God lead you. When it’s time to shake the dust off your feet, do just that! Allow God to lead you where you need to be next because there are countless others who are waiting to hear and receive what you have to release. Trust God and keep it moving. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!

©2022. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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