Sunday, June 06, 2021

"Impactful Lasting Impressions"

 Reflections4Life June 6, 2021

Impactful Lasting  Impressions”
“The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” Proverbs 20:7
Scripture Contemplation: Genesis 20; 1 Kings 9; Job 2; 9; Psalm 7; 25; 26; Proverbs 11; 19…

If your last breath were taken today, what kind of a lasting impression would you leave behind? What would be your legacy? What would people say about you? What would you be remembered for? Whether we know it or not—positive or negative—we leave an impact upon the people we come across each day, having a lasting impression.
I decree today’s Reflections will bring comfort and peace to your heart and mind. I pray it is a continued source of encouragement and inspiration. May your intimate time with our Creator bring revelation, encouragement, and inspiration to your heart and soul. Allow God’s impact on your life to filter into your relationships; leaving dynamic and long-lasting impressions of grace, mercy, and love.
We leave lasting impressions wherever we go; intentional or not. Some leave a lot to be desired. Some leave forgettable impressions. While others are unforgettable, leaving long-lasting impressions that have a continuous impact on the lives of others. Some for the better. Some for the worse.
What will your impact be? What kind of impression will you leave behind? Will it be an impactful one that brings about fond memories and lessons that are still inspiring others long after you are gone? Or, will it be one of caution—lessons on how NOT to be?
I desire to leave a legacy that will continue to impact lives for generations to come. I am not just living for today. I am living for eternity. I want those who hear my name, see and read my work long after I am gone, to be so impacted that their lives are changed forever, for the good. That, they are encouraged and inspired to be and do their very best; encouraged to go on and give their best, even when they feel discouraged. To know and understand they are in this world not just for self, but to serve one another. To love each other.
How many people in your life have had that kind of a lasting impression on your life? What kind of impact have they made in the way in which you live your life? I have a few people who have had that kind of impact on my life. My Grams was one of those persons.
Yesterday would have been my Grams's 89th birthday. It is still hard for me to believe that she has been gone from this earth for nineteen years. It still sometimes feels like yesterday. Yet, she still remains to have a profound influence over my life; over the decisions that I make; an impact on how I see things and interact with certain people. Her impact on my family’s life stretches far and wide. I can honestly say that she left an unforgettable legacy. A legacy that continues to impact the lives of not only my immediate family, but those we come in contact with, have relationships with, and those my Gram herself mentored and mothered.
If I only have a tenth of the kind of impact she has had on the lives of so many—then I will be satisfied with the life that I have lived. My Grams left a legacy rich in love, kindness, forgiveness, and generosity. If you were to ask me what the greatest lesson she ever taught was; I’d have to say it was how to give. To give unconditionally, unselfishly, and unbegrudgingly. Whether it was advice, food, clothes, time, her listening ear, advice, a haircut, or her unconditional love—your life was never the same afterward. Her legacy lives on in her children and her grandchildren, and even her great-grandchildren. We are an extension of her. Who she was, what she believed, and what she loved lives on through us. That is the kind of impactful, lasting impression that I aspire to in my life.  
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity find permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. What will your legacy be? What kind of a lasting impression are you making while walking this earth? What will people say of you? What will they remember? Aspire to be the kind of person that leaves people yearning for your presence, basking in the light of your memory, and gleaning from your legacy. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing.

©2021. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.

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