Sunday, January 22, 2017

'What Does Your Heart Say?"

Reflections4Life January 22, 2017
“What Does Your Heart Say?”
“Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part [of my heart] You will make me know wisdom.” Psalm 51:6 (AMP)
Scripture Contemplation: Matthew 6:21; Joshua 22:5; 24:23; 2 Chronicles 6; 2 John 1; Galatians 6:7-8…

I declare and decree that this week’s Reflections will be a continued source of encouragement and enlightenment for your heart, mind, and soul; bringing you peace in every area of your life. Make the time this week to get intimate with God. Take time out to reflect upon what is in your heart and what it is saying to you. Many of us have ignored what our hearts have been screaming at us for quite some time. Now, many of our hearts are growing quiet from despair. Take the time this week and become acquainted with what your heart is saying.
If you are not, sure of who you are I implore you to seek God for yourself. When you get to know God, you will get to know yourself. Moreover, once you know yourself, do not forget who you are in the process of relationships, trials, tests, heartaches, and even successes.
One of the key things to know is who we are and following what is best for our lives is to know what our hearts say. Far too many of us have too much clutter in our souls, in our minds, from the voices of everyone else and their opinions. Somewhere along the way, their voice has gotten louder, as our own voice has gotten quieter until we no longer recognize our own thoughts and desires. Instead, we become doormats for everyone else; allowing people to walk all over us, use us, then discard us, just as we have done to our own hearts; rarely listening to what it is saying to us anymore.
Perhaps many of us are afraid to listen to what our hearts have to say. It is obvious that for most, we have stopped following our hearts long ago. More than likely, we encountered some heartache and disappointment; now we are afraid of what our heart may say because we no longer want to risk being hurt or disappointed by putting ourselves out there and taking a chance.
Isn’t that what life is?—One big risk?—Not really knowing what is going to work until we at least try? We often like to plan things—even our experiences. But if you live long enough and have ever dared to love, then you know that you cannot plan for the heart. The heart knows what it wants and when. Yes. We can certainly ignore it and overrule it (as many of us have) and do our own things, only to find ourselves coming full circle.
This kind of heartache and disappointment often leads us to other avenues instead of listening to our hearts and following what it is speaking to us. We find ourselves allowing others to have more authority over aspects of our lives than we would if we felt confident and assured in ourselves and in knowing the truth of our hearts.
I implore you, Beloveds, to follow your heart. Listen to what your heart is speaking to you. We have allowed so many voices into our heads; gave them space to rent that should have been exclusive property. Our lives are no longer our own. Most of us are confused, and always seeking the opinions and approval of others before we can even make a sound decision.
Enough is enough. It is time to quiet the voices, get still, and follow your heart. Find out what your heart is saying, and then do it! Our hearts instinctively know the voice of God. It is we, and our minds, that determine if we are going to follow.
I cannot and will not pretend about who I am, or whose I am. I am a child of God who seeks to please my Father in heaven. I want the works that I do, the contents of my mind and heart to be pleasing to Him. I want EVERYTHING that He says He has ordained for my life. I know that the only way this will happen is if I follow my heart, where He resides and sits upon its throne.
Too many have given their advice on who we should be, what, and how we should say and do things. Yet, not near one of them know our hearts. They do not know the contents of our heart or even the plans that God has ordained for us. So why, then, do we expect them to lead us to the place that only God has the roadmap and instructions to?
It is time, Beloveds, to evict a couple people from our lives, and evict all those who have rented space in your head; either by permission or by trespassing.
My Beloveds, may the spirit of peace and prosperity finds permanent rest in your lives. I decree that every good thing that God has ordained for your life will become evident to you. What does your heart say? Talk to God. Heed His advice, and begin living the life He has ordained just for you. Listen to what your heart has to say. Follow your heart and be encouraged that God has you, in the palm of His Hand. You are blessed. Now go…and be a blessing!
©2017. Ruthe McDonald. All Rights Reserved.


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